Cookies Ft. Star

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Star: I made cookies!

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Star: I made cookies!

Eva: Aww Nice! Uh. Have fun passing them out. All the Sanses have scattered to do their daily things. Some are even still asleep. Nightmare, DDR And Outer are total vampires.

Star: Noted. Thanks for letting me do this!

Eva: No problem.


Star: Scattered my behind, everyone is right here! Well, almost everyone.

PJ: Hmm? Oh, are you a new friend of Eva's?

Fresh: Wassup fam? Oh sweet, ya got cookies! 

Blueprint and Blueberry: COOKIES!?

Classic: Are they sugar free by chance? *hopeful*

Star: Two are! Just your luck!

Dream: Wow, how nice of you!

Error: thEY dO smElL goOd...

Ink: We all know you have a soft spot for chocolate.

Error: shUT uP...

Geno: I was never a father of chocolate chip, but they seem nice. Thanks star.

*everyone takes a cookie and ears it happily. Blueberry, Blueprint, and Dream getting sugar free.*

Star: Thank you! See you all next time I request!

Eva: *poofs and she's gone* Well, thst was nice. WAIT I NEVER GOT A COOKIE!!!

Lust: *breaks his in half and gives it to her* Not a sweets man myself. I prefer salty or sour foods. Savory.

Eva: Thanks! *nom* Oh these are good.

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