N is gonna next piss- OH HI N!!!

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*Classic walks out of his room, carrying a still asleep Blueberry. He runs into N*

Classic: Oh, heya N.

N: Hi Classic! Uh, is that Blueberry? The poor dear. I've been reading and keeping tabs. Is he doing okay? Do you want me to take him, hun?

Classic: Such a worrisome kid, just like Eva. Don't worry. He's fine now. He shouldn't be a little depressed bean anymore. He can go back to being a happy Smol bean.

N: Okay... Are you sure? Me and Eva can-

Classic: I got this. I was gonna take him to a field of golden flowers so when he wakes up he can be happier.

N: Great idea! I'll make sure he gets some tacos when he gets back.

Classic: Gotcha. Later. *teleports with blue.*

N: ... *rushes off suddenly to find Eva*

*Eva is working on her fanfictional story with Cray And Nightmare, since they are the main characters.*

Cray: Wait a second, so I'm basically corrupt because I lived a life alone and Daddio abandoned me?

Nightmare: that's rough kid *rolls eyes* I've seen way worse.

Eva: I'm not good at tragic backstories! It's easy to make them too much or too little. I didn't know how else to do it.

N: *barges in* EVA!!!

Cray, Eva, and Nightmare: *turn to look back* 

Nightmare and Eva: Oh shit.

Cray: Is this N?

N: Yeah, I'm N. Eva. Can we talk.

Eva: Oh dear. Pray for my life, fellas.

Cray: Okay, stay safe.

Nightmare: I'll plan your funeral.

Cray: *turns to look at him with a questioning yet disgusted look*

N: *drags Eva outside*

Eva: Heh, so what did you-

N: WHY!?

Eva: ...

N: Why did you make that cannon here!? I thought you... Me... Classic...

Eva: .... I needed a way for Blueberry to get over his feelings. I read a fanfic about the ship and fell in love with it.

N: But....

Eva: N.

N: ...

Eva: Aww come on N, don't be like that. You know it's best for blueberry and Classic will Ben really happy-

N: But Sans was happy with me! He said I was better than all those other fangirls! I thought this book would let me have him for myself! But no. Are you really gonna make me stick with oneshots for my whole wattpadian life!? Where I'm not mentioned, but an insert where I'm supposed to put my name goes!?

Eva: ... N...

N: Don't even try to argue that this is happening for you too with Blueberry!

Eva: N please-

N: I'm done.

Eva: N-

N: I'm done. Good luck. Have a nice show. I'm taking a break for a little while. 

Eva: Please dont-

N: GOOD RIDDANCE!!! *teleports out of the book*

Eva: ....

Reaper: *magically appears* Wow, looks like you dug a hole you can't get out of with this drama thing. Are you gonna quit the book and leave it? That's what other authors do.

Eva: ....

Cray: *walks out of room* Hey, I heard yelling. Is everything *pauses* Oh. Hey Mister Reaper.

Reaper: Sup.

Eva: ...

Cray: Eva? Where's N?

Eva: ... taking her vacation.

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