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*Eva just finished making spegetti, good spegetti not bad spaghetti, for all the sanses. They were at the table Andy ready to be served when Eva gets a notification.*

Eva: Sci?

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Eva: Sci?

Sci: Yes, Evangeline?

Eva: Cover Assy's Ears.

Assy: But I gots none.

Sci: Oh! I see. *places hands where Assy's ears would be, understanding why.*

Eva: So, guys, how is Paps in your universes?

Classic: You know, just boneing around. Hanging with Undyne and patrolling for humans. Same old same old.

Edge: Great and Terrible. Frightening I mean! Gotta love the boss. *sweats* I just wish I could talk to him, ya know...


Sci: Well, my Papyrus is baby bones papyrus and he should be being good while I'm away.

Geno: ...

Reaper: Yeah, sore subject. Good going little miss requester. *reaches for scythe but goth takes it before hen can grab it.*

Goth: Dad no! We can't kill the readers! They make Eva happy!

Palette: Okay let's calm down. This clearly is a bad subject.

Ink, error, nightmare, and dream: ...

PJ: Uh, who's Papyrus? Mr. Fresh, do you know?

Fresh: Oh, yeah. Ya see, most of the Sanses here have a little brother named Papyrus back where they live.


PJ: oh. That makes sense! Then... why did Sci have to cover up Assy's ears?

Fresh: ... Eva, you explain.

Eva: Ha ha, nope. I ain't explaining the whole pappy deal.

Assy: Hmm? Pappy? But he's right here. Say hi pappy!

*everyone is dead silent as Assy's motions to an invisable papyrus. Geno has a nervous smile on his face. Edge looks at him like he's crazy. Eva and Sci share a look.

Assy: Well, say hi back! It's powite!

Edge: Uh, kid? There's no-

Eva: *slams hand over his jawline.* Heya pappy! *glares at everyone.*

All Sanses: h-hey papyrus.

Geno: *whisper to reaper* Man, I feel bad for the kid.

Reaper: *whispers back* I know, And I'm not one for pity.

Classic: that chilled me to the bone.

Assy: Yay! Fwiends!

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