Bonsai Tree

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*eva has her eye covered still but laughs at the request*

*eva has her eye covered still but laughs at the request*

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Geno: Why do I have a bad feeling about this?

Eva: *flashes him the phone*

Geno: Asgore have mercy....

Reaper: Toriel can get mad at me all she wants~

Geno: Babe, no. Hey, you aren't touching me. Is something wrong?

Reaper: ....

Eva: Dare.

Geno: Oh. Okay then. *is somewhat saddened and somewhat happy.* A tree you say? 

Reaper: From my Ex? Really?

Geno: Just give it.

*tiny bonsai tree*

Geno: Aww.

Reaper: Don't aww at it! What if Toriel is trying to take you from me! She can't have my bae.

Geno: Reaper, Chill. It's a gift from a dare. 

Reaper: Just let me touch it and let it die!

Geno: It's against the dare!

Eva: Technically, it's not. The requester specified the consequence.

Reaper: See? Now let me touch it!

Geno: No! What if she kills someone!

Reaper: ...

Geno: See? Now I need to go water this little bonsai tree. I'll be back babe.

Reaper: ... But she's life. She can't kill. That's me and Pap's Job...

Eva: Everything will be fine. It's a tree.

Reaper: Hmph. Oh, and here.

Eva: An eyepatch?

Reaper: stole it when Undyne was killed in a genocide timeline.

Eva: Thanks. *puts it on*

Ask or Dare AU SansesWhere stories live. Discover now