Idk what to name this chapter but it's long

203 5 17

*Eva silently draws on the floor.*

Ink: Hello Eva, whatcha drawing?

Eva: *doesnt look up* you And error. 

Ink: Oh really? Can I see?

Eva: Sure *flashes sketchbook*

Ink: Wow! This is good! 

Eva: ...

Ink: I Really like it!

Eva: ... thanks.... *resumes drawing*

Ink: Uh... *awkwardly leaves*

Nightmare: *from hididng spot* Hmm....


*Eva silently types on the computer*

Blue: HEY EVA!!!

Eva: Oh, hey Blueberry.


Eva: *publishes part* Yeah. Just finsihed.


Eva: Sure.

Blue: *reads it* WOWIE THIS IS AWESOME!!!

Eva: ...


Eva: ...thank you

Blue: COME ON, LETS GO MAKE TACOS!!! *runs out of room*

Eva: ... *follows blueberry*

Nightmare: *from hididng* grrrr....


*Eva just sits on the couch and listens to music*

Nightmare: what's wrong with you!

Eva: *takes out an earbud* ?

Nightmare: you've been silent the whole time and I can sense lots of negative energy coming from you, ecscpecially when you take compliments! What the hell is wrong with you, Human!?

Eva: ...

Nightmare: Well!?

Eva: I don't like being complimented.

Nightmare: That doesn't explain how you're being super depressed. It makes me feel guilty for involuntarily feeding on it. Do I have to make you cuddle with dream to make you happy again.

Eva: No... Cross would slice me up in an instant. Heh! Heh.... *hugs knees and takes out other earbud.*

Nightmare: *sighs* I'm not the one for this job. Let me go get someone who can help you benter than I can.

Eva: The Star Sanses are our shopping, Edge went with Sci and Assy to the park as a quote unquote family. Palette and Goth went on a date to Starbucks. Geno And Reaper went on a double date with Ink and Error to see the Greatest Show,an in theaters while they still can. Paperjam And Fresh went on a date to some resteraunt. DDR is practicing his dancing in the dark. Cross took Dream on a walk as a date. And you're here.

Nightmare: *processing....* Damnit. Wait!

Eva: And Lust is Masterbsting upstairs to the Doki Doki Literature Club music because he said Natuski is his waifu.

Nightmare: Damnit. Wait Natsuki? Really?

Eva: She is best girl and he loves tsunderes.

Nightmare: I swear he can get turned on by anything.

Eva: Even a toaster?

Nightmare: *thinks* No, that's just goth.

Eva: *giggles*

Nightmare: *smirks* Looks like you're doing alright. Wait a second. You never mentioned Classic! 

Eva: You just now noticed that? Classic Went to McDonalds with N. I suggest you take Alisha somehwere or she'd be an unhappy camper.

Nightmare: *scoffs* you fangirls. And you never mentioned Blueberry.

Eva: Oh... I don't know where he is.

Blue: EVA! I FOUND ANOTHER ONE! LOOK! *drags him closer*

???: Blue, come on. Chill. *looks at Nightmare* Hey Boss man.

Nightmare: *actually smiles* Hello Dust, long time no see.

Dust: Same could go for you. Looks like you've grown a lot softer.

Nightmare: I could say the same

Eva: Wooooah. Dust sans. Nice! 

Dust: *looks at Eva* Really? You're following this little fangirl around like a dog? Don't tell me you fell for her.

Nightmare: Please. You and I both know that is impossible.


Eva: Hush Child, let them have their conversation.

Dust: *chuckles* And let me guess, she's a major shipper.

Nightmare: *groans* don't remind me.

Dust: Ha! Who is she shipping you with?

Nightmare: *smirks* No one. I'm lucky.

Dust: oh really? *turns to Eva* Hey girl! Who is Nightmsre shipped with in this book?

Eva: Not any of the other Sanses, really. He is cannonly not able to love, confirmed by the creator. But there is another friend of mine who loves him so much so I kinda have her come in sometimes to hang out with him. Same for classic. *she lies so nightmare wont be judged*

Dust: Ha! Shipped with Another fangirl, huh? The big band nightmsre's gone soft. I bet cross is long soft.

Eva: Nope. He's a dick.

Blue: EVA!!!

Dust: Wow, so you're saying Nightmare cracked before cross?!

Eva: No. Cross is just a dick to me.


Dust: Okay then. What about me? *seems very amused.*

Nightmare: *leaves before Eva gets any ideas*

Eva: You? Uh....

Dust: Because I wouldn't mind having that little thing next to you~

Blue: WHAT!?

Eva: *thinks about it* Well, it is a popular ship and having someone who went through a traumatic time paired up with someone sweet and innocent to help them through it... I'll do it it's very plausible in the least.

Blue: EVA NO!!!

Eva: sorry Dust, but I can't. At least, not now.

Dust: Oh? Is there actually a plot in this book or is he in a love triangle? Let me guess. It involves Fell in some way, shape, or form.

Eva: actually no. Edge is happy with Sci and is even helping Assy.

Dust: *bursts out laughing* NO WAY HE WENT SOFT TOO!?

Blue: *whispers*I'm scared...

Eva: *whispers back* then you can go.

Dust: *calms down* I'm sorry I'm sorry! It's just, this is the funniest ask or dare book I've seen so far! I'm sticking around!

Eva: Okay. Welcome to the team, dust. Don't blame me if you go soft. *lightly and fallen punches his shoulder*

Dust: Heh, I like you already.

Eva: good, because you won't if you hurt anyone else.

Dust: *rolls his pupils* Yes ma'am.

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