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*classic sees Dream running by in tears*

Classic: Woah, woah, where's the fire dream?

Dream: *sobs and looks at classic* You're good with cheering people up, right? Your own Papyrus?

Classic: heh, I don't know. You're the master at making someone happy again.

Dream: I CANNOT! *gasps when he realized he yelled.* I mean, I can't  help him this time. Please  Sans, you have to go cheer up Blueberry! Help him get over his false feelings for me! Please! 

Classic: *watches him beg with a sad frown*  Blueberry? The little cinnamon roll me is sad? Where is he?

Dream: Down the hall, take a right, double left, first door on the left.

Classic: gotcha *teleports*

Blue: *sobbing in the corner*

Classic: *teleports in* now where could he-

Blue: S-Sans?

Classic: *does a one eighty* There you are.

Blue: Wh-why are you-

Classic: Heya kid, why so Blue?

Blue: Sans, please no puns. I don't like them....

Classic: But my puns are as punny as they're gonna get. Now let me get it through that thick skull of yours that I'm here to make sure you smile again with thst nice long jaw of yours. But I can't help ya if you don't tell me what's going on. *sits next to him*

Blueberry: ... Why should I?

Classic: Because I'm rootin for ya kid.

Blue: ... Dream. He's marrying Cross and he's accusing me of not really loving him when I do! It's  not just his aura, it's all of him. How his smile is so wide. How he's so determined. How he cares for every little creature in every universe. How he believes there's good in everyone deep down somewhere... I fell in love with my best friend. and now I have to pay for it...

Classic: Oh, a classic unrequited love/friendzone story. Don't worry, pal. I swear there's is a bright side to everything.

Blue: *sniffz* What's the bright side to this?

Classic: That you learn from it. Not everyone will accept your love for them. Not everyone wants you to love them. Sometimes, if you love someone you let them go be happy thrmselves. I mean,  that's what I did...

Blue: Really? *stops crying because he's curious* With who?

Classic: *sighs* Will you promise to stop moving if I tell ya?

Blue: *back to his normal self* PROMISE!!!

Classic: heh, okay. My papyrus means the world to me. He's my brother and I promised Dad I would protect him through anything. I was more of his guardian than his parent. Thsts when he started leaving the house More and spending less time with me. He started Dating Mettaton. At first, I was a jealous brother begging for attention. Then I realized I was the one holding Papyrus back from loving the one he would spend the rest of his life with. So did waht I needed to.

Blue: You let him go?

Classic: I let him go. Then there's the kid and Toriel... I'm not going into those stories today. Burn I will tell you the end similar ways.

Blue: So, want you're saying is sometimes the ones you love can love others more than you and you just have to accept it Andy wait for your own person to show up?

Classic: Basically, yeah. Good work Kid. Now, you look Bone tired. How's about you and me take a nap?

Blue: Mweh... Crying does make me sleepy...

Classic: And I know right now you don't want to be alone. Come on, we can go to the couch in my room. Sorry, it's a mess.

Blue: Mweh heh, of course lazybones.

*they telelport to Sans's room to take a nap together.*

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