Reprise of Seven minutes in hell Reprise

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G: Oh~ Which ones?

Lust: Why is he here?

G: I can't resist~

Lust: argh

Eva: Why don't I be evil and have NO SHIPS PRESENT!!

Lust and G: WHAT!?

Eva: Half of every OTP! I'm evil that way! Let's see....

*rocall: Lust, G, Classic, Fell, Reaper, Fresh, Palette, Cray, And Error*

Palette: A game? Sounds fun!

Fresh: Funk my life

Reaper: A little kiss never hurt no one~

Classic: It's seven minutes.

Fell: Seven minutes locked with Lust or G is hell.

Eva: agreed. So, spin the bottle or hat draw to decide?

Cray: The bottle. It's better that way. Less effort and time to set up.

Error: wHY dId I hAVe tO bE HeRE?

Eva: Because I'd rather you than Ink. How Gould you feel if Ink was trapped in a closet for seven minutes with G?

G: You know I can hear you.

Error: trUe. I cAN gO firSt. GEt It OVer WiTH.

*lands on fresh.*

Fresh: Well, ErrorFresh shippers, here ya go.

Error: GrEAt...

Eva: Have fun.

*locks them in closet one. Sin cam is ON!*

Eva: Next, Cray spin the bottle.

Cray: Alright, sure.

*lands on Palette*

Palette: I have to go woth him!? He tried to steal my Gothy in the daycare AU!

Eva: The bottle has spoken. Now GO!

*shoves them in closet two. Sin cam is ON!*

Eva: There we go. We just wait until they're done for the second round. I have cameras in the closet, in case you try to skip out on doing anything. And I will punish you if you don't.

Blueprint: *over walk-in talkie* Mom? mister Error and mister Fresh are just sitting with their arms crossed.

Eva: *replies* Use the built in speakers 

Blueprint: *replies* yes mom.

Classic: You're kidding. You're using Blueprint as the sin monitor?

Eva: He wanted to help Blueberry. Remember, he used to be my assistant before ClassicBerry became cannon in my universe.

Classic: *groans*

Fell: Ha!

Reaper: Hmmm.... *pondering*


Error, Fresh, Cray, And Palette: *run away before Eva can catch them.*

Eva: around two! Spin the bottle!

Reaper: Eva, don't be dumb. I know this is rigged.

*everyone turns to him*

Reaper: Error and Fresh? Palette and Cray? Two popular ships by the fandom you don't ship. Based on who else is here, it would probably be Classic and Fell in closet one and G with Lust in then other. It makes me wonder why I'm here.

G: Wow, the sexy reaper is being practical for once.

Lust: I'm sorta proud. Kinda turned on too.

Fell: Stop


Eva: Okay, Okay

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Eva: Okay, Okay. Fine. Reaper, you win. Classic and Fell, closet one. G and Lust, closet two. 

Lust: Seriosuly!? You're sticking me with this mother fucker!?

G: *raises nonexistent eyebrow*

Lust: don't give me that look, we all know you fucked Toriel in countless AUs.

Classic: WHAT!?

Fell: Eh I don't care. Toriel is a bitch.

Classic: She's my best friend where I come from. If you fucked my toriel you would andwer to my FIST

Eva: Calm down! Look, just get this over with, okay? Easier for all of us.

*all walk to their closets, knowing they are monitored. Sin cameras ON!*

Reaper: So why am I here?

Eva: Because I needed half of every OTP to make this seem like it wasn't rigged. Sorry. If you really want a kiss or something I don't mind... *sighs* Who am I kidding? No one would love me enough anyways. Just go to Geno. I'm sure he's missing you.

Reaper: ... Geno wouldn't kill me, would he?

Eva: Probably. Just go with your husband.

Reaper: Sounds like an order~ *flirt*

Eva: Now isn't the time to be kinky

Reaper: Come on Mommy~ Pucker up~

Eva: Stop. *tries to hide a snide smile and rolls her eyes*

Reaper: and you're calling me kinky~

Eva: I don't have a Mommy kink! It's just you all are kinda like my children. I have to watch over you all, ya know?

Reaper: I get it. When they said I was being practical, it kinda felt good to feel responisble. Like raising goth. It's... nice.

Eva: It is nice to take care of someone.

Geno: Reaper, Baby? Error is done with his turn, are you done with yours?

Reaper: Oh, hey hun. Almost.

Eva: Huh? But you never-

Reaper: *pecks her cheek* Thanks.

Eva: *blushes hard*

Reaper: Okay, Baby. Let's go. I want to talk to my son.

Blueprint: Mom? What's going on? Time was up two minutes ago.

Eva: H-huh? Oh. Right. TIME'S UP!!!

*everyone else runs and tries to get away as soon as possible. Well, except G. He is licking his teeth hungrily*

G: Eva, Baby girl, want a turn?

Eva: Oh HELL no!

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