My Head's Underwater but I'm Breathing Fine

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*Evangeline is home late because softball. He rhand hurst somewhat and she listens to a song she loves.  She is lounging on the couch.*

Eva: *faintly singing* All of me, loves, all of you. Love your curves and all your edges. All your perfect imperfections.

DDR: *groggily walks into living room* Huh? Eva? Why are you up?

Eva: *pulls out one earbud* Huh? Oh, hey Dance. How are you enjoying your stay in the book?

DDR: Well, I like it here. Most of the other Sanses are fun and it's nice to be with people who appreciate music.

Eva: That's great to hear.

*awkward silence*

DDR: So... whatcha listening to?

Eva: Huh? Oh. All of me by john legend. It always cheers me up when I'm feeling crappy. It's  my favorite non-soundtrack or parody song.

DDR: That one is kinda hard to dance to, but it's nice to listen to. Ya know? I dance to upbeat, fast, sometimes dubstep remixes. But that doesn't mean I can't stop to appreciate the slow and loving songs. 

Eva: that's a great view on it, Dance. If you had ears, I'd offer you an earbud.

DDR: Heh, good one. But I still want that offer. I have a way to use earbuds.

Eva: Oh? And what's that?

DDR: *does the imagination meme thingy* Magic.

Eva: I should have known. *scoots over* Sit down buddy.

DDR: *sits down and puts earbud in.*

*One minute goes by*

DDR: Hey, Eva?

Eva: Hmm?

DDR: You said this makes you happy when you're down. Why is that?

Eva: Well, first off it reminds me of my parents and their relationship. Secondly it makes me wish I had a relationship like that. Thirdly, it all around makes me less lonely and less, how do I say this? Depressive. Pessimistic. Self hating. Ya know? When you think you're worthless and you don't deserve all the love you get yet crave more like the selfish entity you were born to be?

DDR: woah... deep...

Eva: *leans in his shoulder, repeating the song* I hope *yawn* you don't mind.

DDR: Not at all.

*eva sleeps on his shoulder. Dance!Sans smiles and pulls a blanket over them both, taking out the earbuds and turning off her phone.*

DDR: Sweet Dreams, Eva. 

*dance!Sans goes to sleep too.*

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