I don't control the moon.

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Alisha: Hey! Nightmare!

Nightmare: *groans because he already was annoyed by (he who shall not be named)* What?

Nightmare: *groans because he already was annoyed by (he who shall not be named)* What?

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Alisha: What was going I'm in New York Yesterday?

Nightmare: Alisha, do I look like a navy blue half Pegasus half unicorn to you?

Alisha: *severly confused* No, why?

Nightmare: Because I don't control night or anything to do with the moon.

Alisha: ???

Nightmare: I ate a magic apple that gave me powers based off of negativity, hatred, sadness, and anger. I feed off of negative emotions and I shaleshift with this gooey body of mine into any form I want to. Do you think that someone with powers like those could control the moon?

Alisha: Uh.... no?

Nightmare: Precisely. If you want those answers find an Ask/Dare My Little Pony book where you could ask Luna.

Alisha: *suddenly the question from earlier makes sense*

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