We Ain't Wikipedia

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*Eva is busy making dinner for fifteen plus Sanses so Edge picks up her phoen when the notification ringtone goes off. Guess what it is? Death by glamour.*

Edge: Really? Do we look like Wikipedia to you?

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Edge: Really? Do we look like Wikipedia to you?

Error: wHaT aRE yoU comPlaInInG abOUt noW?

Edge: *flashes the phone to error* She wants us to explain our universes. And she wants to know if she's annoying.

Error: AnNoYiNg, nO. SHe mAkEs EvA haPPy. BUt StUPId qUesTiOn. InterNet iS a ThiNG.

(Error's face right now:)

Edge: Well, we can talk about other shit

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Edge: Well, we can talk about other shit.

Error: lanGaUge. AsSY Is AwAKe.

Edge: Whatever. So... PJ is growing up, eh?

Error: InKY iS sO prOUd...

Edge: Heh... yeah....


Edge: Looks like the grub is ready.

Error: I hOPe iT isN't wEiRd.

Edge: Eh, probably burger night. I saw her get out the ground beef.

Error: tRUe. 

Edge: Let's go.

*they leave th phone out. A ringtone goes off quietly. It is spider dance. What it is for? The world may never know.*

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