Hugglez? Ft. NDragonEyes

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*Eva And a few of the other Sanses, the ones who weren't drunk, we're sitting on the couch. Eva was a little bit emotional and sad after an almost loss of a softball game that's just happened.*

Eva: *sighs* Yo, we have a visitor

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Eva: *sighs* Yo, we have a visitor.

Edge: really? Now?! Half of us are tipsey as hell and you want to bring a guest?!

Eva: Requests man. Plus this is out most frequent requestor so let's rock and roll~

*magic N poofs into existance*

N: I haths been summoned?

Eva: sorry we don't got everyone, but we do have a good number. Edge, start us off will ya? *looks down at phone and continues reading fanfic and sighs.*

Edge: Why the hell do I gotta start?! Ugh, fine. *hugs N*

N: awwww, little edgy Mc My Chemical Romance hugged me!

Edge: Hey! Only Sci can call me that!

Sci: speaking Of, well, me I should go next. *hugs N*

Assy: My turn too! *hugs N*

N: two for one deal! Yay!

Error: nUh uH I DoN'T dO PhYSIcAL coNTACt!!!

Eva: It's a request. Please error.

Error: NO NO NO NOPE!!!

Ink: sorry, he only lets me hug him. 

N: it's fine, you can hug him for me. *fangirl noises*

Ink: fine by me. *hugs error*

N: *squeals*

Error: hMph.

Eva: Let's see here. Geno And Classic are having a pun war, reaper is being a sexual predator drunk again, PJ convinced Fresh to drink with him somehow, Nightmare is an angry drunk and is yelling at emotionally drunk Palette. Also Nightmare owes Dream twenty bucks. Goth is supervising everyone.... oh! And Blueberry spiked the apple juice that he and Dream were having as a substitute. I think that's everyone we can do for now. Maybe later we can do this again when we're have everyone. 

N: not!

Eva: ?

Sci: Oh! *grins evilly*

Assy: What about Mommy?

Eva: Me?

Edge: If I had to do it, you sure as hell do too.

Eva: No way, I'm not important like you. I'm just here to say the dare and make sure you do it. Though I don't mind the InkError shipping moment though.

Error: SHuT uP!!!

Ink: Oh quiet you.

N: But we're friends! I like you! I said it before in the comments, I care.

Eva: Fine, Okay, sure. Just don't expect a tight hug. I'm not in the happiest of spirits.... sorry. *hugs*

N: Yay! *squeezes*

Assy: GROUP HUG TIME *joins*

Edge: No.

Sci: come on, please? For Eva?

Edge: Never!

Sci: ...for me?

Edge: DAMN IT FINE!!! *hugs*

Sci: See? Was that so hard. *hugs*

Ink: Error, please?

Error: nEVeR!!!

Ink: suit yourself... *hugs*

Error: ... *hugs INK FROM BEHIND ONLY*

Ink: heh, knew it.

N: I feel so loved!

Eva: ... me too...



Sci: Edgy!


Eva and Edge: PAPA!?

Sci: *blushes like mad*

Assy: Yeah, Daddy says how much he wikes Mister Edge so I thouwght they was married too. I know Eva and Daddy aren't married but I wike to call her Mommy anyways. She takes good care of me.

N: Oh my god this is so much better than anything else I could see. Precious insane bab!

Eva: *smirks at Sci and edge*

Edge: ...Sci?

Sci: *fifty shades of blush*

Edge: we... need to talk. 

Sci: y-yeah...

*sci And edge leave*


Eva: Wow that was cute.

Ink: remind you of someone? Error?

Error: YoU aRe a PaIN.

Ink: But I'm your pain.

Error: *sigh*

Assy: So many people in wove.

Eva: It's called shipping and having the powers of being an Author, Assy.

N: It's called fangirling, young one. I'm sure Eva will teach you our ways.

Eva: No.

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