Please Don't Hate Me

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Dream: *sobs in the corner*

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Dream: *sobs in the corner*

Eva: Dream? What happened!?

Dream: *soft cries*

Eva: It was haters, wasn't it? Or someone asking you to do something you can't?

Dream: *sniff* the second one. *reveals the phone he took from Eva along with the many fights he had with the readers. One stands out.*

Eva: Oh, honey. You know that they're just looking out for Blueberry. They want you two to be as good as friends as you can be. Besides, the wedding's tomorrow! You should be happy! Please be happy...

Cross: Babe? Oh. And Eva. 

Eva: *sticks tongue out*

Dream: *sniff sob*

Cross: Babe, what's wrong? *glared at Eva* WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY PRECIOUS-

Eva: It wasn't me! Ever since the incident with Blue Dream can't be left alone and everyone's hates him now.

Cross: Hate Dream? Pfft. Don't make me laugh. How can anybody hate this perfect little skeleton?

Dream: ...

Eva: I know! But some people value Blue more. Everyone instantly took his side because he was victimizing himself. But in a way, both Dream and Blue are victims to this.

Dream:'s my fault.

Cross: Babe, stop. It's not your fault thst the little twerp fell in love with you. Come on, what's not to love? Besides, Eva can find a new ship for him or something.

Eva: ...

Dream: But-

Cross: no buts, babe. I know he's your best friend And this hurts you, but if you keep distancing yourself from him like this your friendship can be gone. I'm still new to friendship, and you're new to love. This time, I need to help you learn about your friendships.

Eva: He's right. *really hated to admit that*

Dream: I can't just go talk to him... after what I said... after how I acted... I wasn't me. I'm still not me. I want to make sure I'm me.

Eva: You need to talk to him before the wedding. I'll go. Cross, talk some sense into your fiancé.

Cross: Got it

*eva leaves*

Cross: ...

Dream: ...

Cross: I take it you need cuddles?

Dream: Yes...

Cross: Okay.

*they cuddle and fall asleep.*

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