Evaluation Time: Lust's Situation

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Eva: As I've read, a bunch of you were being sympathetic to Lust and his situation. I would like to explain why this happened. Well, make a fake yet believable reason for headcannon when really I just had another ship.

Horror: Wow. Good job Eva. She breaks hearts for fun.

Eva: And you chop off heads and feed them to your monsters.


Eva: You kill me, this book will disappear and this existance of you along with it. You value your existance, don't you?

Horror: ... Im going to find Dust. Maybe he can take a joke.

Eva: Your jokes aren't even jokes anymore.

Lust: *somewhat frail* Eva? Was that Horror?

Eva: Oh! Lust! Good. Do you mind ex0laining a bit about that attraction magic of yours?

Lust: Oh, right. Everyone in UnderLust had adapted to have a new magical power emit from their souls. Seduction. It's an invisible haze. The strength amplifies either by lust, love, or other feelings of attraction. Otherwards, the more attracted the monster is to whoever they are trying to seduce, the stronger the seduction will be. It only wears off after having sex.

Eva: And not having sex with Dust had affected him?

Lust: ... Wait... So that's why he-

Eva: In other words: you could have crushed on Dust, hard, and he only loved you back because the seduction from your soul? And because you didn't have a steady schedule of *AHEM* he lost interest And he was able to love whoever he wanted next?

Lust: *falls to his knees* So he never... it was just....

Eva: *crouches next to him* Hey, Hey. It's alright. I'm sure everything will be okay. Maybe I can find another ship for you that I haven't taken yet?

Lust: *looks down* But my primary ships in the fandom are DustLust, BloodLust, LustBerry, LustFell, LustClassic.... who else is there for me!? Heck, the only Sans you haven't brought here yet Is Killer! G and Nightmare have fangirls on them! I'm alone! I'm the only bachelor!

Eva: What about Cray? He's kind of on his own and third wheeling the Poth Couple. BluePrint is on his own too, but he plays with Assy. Both have nothing but platonic and parental relationships. Those three are fine staying platonic with their friends. 

Lust: you don't get it. In my AU sex was like law. You had to, for the king and queen's sake. So not having someone to be with me is the ultimate torture. Not having someone by my side, someone who wants to be there... it makes my soul want to shatter...

Eva: ... Look, Until I can fix this you can be my assistant. Is that cool?

Lust: *sighs* Alright. Maybe this can go away sooner or later... maybe I'll get over it.

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