I ain't Mad

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*lust is browsing in Eva's phone because she's still asleep. Then, a wild Alisha appears*

 Then, a wild Alisha appears*

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Lust: ?

Alisha: I'm so sorry! It's my fault! Do whatever you want to do to me....

Nightmare: *from the distance* FUCK HER AND I WILL END YOU!!!!

Lust: I'm not mad.

Alisha: punch me, kick me, hit me, whatever you want! I'm so sorry! I deserve it!

Lust: Baby, I'm not mad.

Nightmare: *still from the distance* DONT CALL HER ANY PET NAMES EITHER!!!

Alisha: wh-what?

Lust: That relationship wasn't built on love, it was built on false seduction and lust. Just like everything in my own world. I'm used to it. I just need an emotional breakdown to compose myself and then I'm back to normal. Evangeline is even writing me a book and made me her profile picture to help m feel better. I'm not mad at you.

Alisha: *sighs and smiles sweetly* Well, I'm glad you're okay.

Lust: *playfully winks at her with no intentions behind it. Wow, that's a first.*

Nightmare: He better not-

Reaper: Relax.

Nightmare: but-

Reaper: There is no way you can entirely get rid of that flirty, lustful side of Lust. That's who he is and where he came from. It's part of him. But you can die it down a little bit.

G: Exactly. Thought it's not a good thing when this author has been treating you as a worse whore than Lust... I only fucked one toriel and that was my toriel. I only fucked Lust because he wanted me to. 

Reaper: Sometimes aspects of you are amplified by authors in different books, as we've learned over our existance of AU Sanses in this fandom. 

G: Lust is More Chill now, you don't have to worry about him Nightmare.

Nightmare: *grumbles* Fine. Wait a second, if what you said is true... we're soft because of that stupid author bitch!

G: Exactly.

Reaper: don't call her a bitch or N will go ballistic again.

G: Oh, and we don't want that.

Alisha: What's going on over here?

Lust: Hey, I'm all for threesomes but only when I'm a part of them~

G: Very funny.

Lust: *glares at G before I ah,omg deeply and sighing.* I know. It's me we're talking about here.

Reaper: Pft. Great comeback Lust.

Nightmare: *stands by Alisha somewhat protectively*

Alisha: *stars in her eyes as if her dreams finally came true*

G: Just discussing how we are self aware that we are nothing more than fictional characters at the mercy of a bunch of twelve year olds.

Alisha: Eva is not twelve! At least... I don't think she is.

Reaper: she's not. Twelve year olds are innocent.

Lust: Well, I know she still HAS her innocence. She's very serious and strict about that and drinking. She hates it. I offered her to go to the bar with me but she refused and told me have no more than three. 

Reaper: She is okay when I drink with Geno before we get drunk. Probably because I don't get drunk easy. But afterwards we get a nonexistent earful at how we should drink too ,Ice and how acohol messes with our magic or something. 

G: So she hates acohol and she hates sex, yet she said open minded about it towards us and let's us do it? Huh. That's weird.

Nightmare: again, she's a bitch.

Alisha: *bitchslaps him*

Nightmare: what the- Hey!

Alisha: don't call her that.

G: So Lust, are we Cool now?

Lust: *shakes his hand* Yeah, I guess so. Why hold a grudge when it holds ya back?

Reaper: And there's the inner pacifist within all of us. Amen.

Nightmare: You are literally death and you say something that relates to god and heaven. Wow.

Reaper: Hey, you can't take that aspect from me~ I'm a jokester through and through.

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