The Issue With Fangirls

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N: I wanna know.

Alisha: Okay....

Eva: Let's do this!


Classic: Alisha is nice, very timid but nice. I can appreciate that.

Edge: She likes Nightmare too much and is very weak.

Classic: *smacks the back of his skull* 

Edge: OWW!!!

Classic: *glare*

Edge: But she's weak for a good reason. If I was in her shoes, I'd be weaker. So I guess that makes her strong? Whatever. She deserves respect.


Sci: SHES very kindly and timid. I understand why she's timid so I don't hikd anything against her.

Outer: out of this world!

DDR: You and your puns....

Outer: I know you love them!

Assy: She is gweat! Don't tell Papa or Daddy, but she's da best at tellwing bedtime stowies!

Blueprint: I don't see her all that much, but she's very nice.

Ink: Well, she is creative in the way she does things. That's always nice to see.

Error: okAy, I GuEss...

Dream: Well I like her! She's no nice and I love nice people! I just wish I could make her happier...

Cross: Of course you would. Well, she's manageable. Better than two others I know. Don't kill me Eva or N...

Nightmare: ... Better than most. That's a big compliment coming from me.

PJ: She's nice to me, though I don't see her much. What about you Mister Fresh?

Fresh: She's da bombdiggity. I like her, yo.

Palette: She's super nice! I want her to come cheerlead with me sometime!

Goth: Don't go overboard, Palette.

Palette: What do you think, Gothy?!

Goth: Well, I think reading with her sometime would be nice. We don't see her much, but she's very timid so I get why.

Cray: She's better than those cringe "SANZ IS MINE" fangirls. These girls all are. Trust. Plus Alisha can roleplay real well.

Dust: Decent. I'm not talking much.

Horror: Haven't seen her. Probably a good thing too. Don't want a head dog now do we?

Lust: *necks Horror* We don't eat humans here, freak.

Horror: Okay Slutty.

Lust: *growls*

G: I guess I'll speak while Lust calms down. Alisha's Cool. Cooler than quite a few I know. She just needs to remember she's worth it. Lust, you good?

Lust: grrrrrrr... Fine. Yeah.

G: Good, because it's your turn.

Lust: Alisha is a unique case as I've seen. I don't see her around, probably because of her being scared of me, but I just want her to know that she's worth it. I know how it feels to think so little of yourself. It's not fun. 

Horror: So the slut actually knows feelings.

Reaper: You better shut up before I kill you.

Dust: I'll turn you into EXP if you lay a finger on him.

Geno: Babe, this ain't worth it. Let's just do the ask and be done.

Reaper: Kay, babe. Well, I like Alisha. I don't reap souls like her, that's papyrus's job. He's better at handling the emotionally hurt ones anyways. She's staying strong and I like her for it.

Geno: She's very shy and to herself sometimes, and just wants to please others. I can respect that.

Eva: So Alisha... you're loved. This is proof.


Classic: N is just pure awesome.  She makes puns and acts like a Mom to everyone. She's great.

Edge: The least bitchy out of the three. My favorite. That's a huge compliment coming from someone from UnderFell.


Sci: She makes a lot of us really happy and secure. She gave us questions and dares back when this book was still new. We owe a lot to her.

Outer: Bright and full of oppritunity!

DDR: Full of spunk.

DDR and Outer: She's Great!

Geno: N is like a sister to everyone here, the mature older sister. It's nice to feel like you have an older sibling for once... Heh.

Reaper: A very welcome change into a world where bad souls outweighs the good souls. I respect her highly.

Dust: She's okay. She's mature and protective of those she loves. I can understand.

Horror: I relate to her on the being protective side. But not much else.

Cray: She's like the Mom who lets you get away with a lot. Like stealing cookies. She's great.

Assy: She's weawwy nice! I like her!

Blueprint: Miss N let's me okay video games with her and we draw together sometimes when we don't have chapters! I like her!

Cross: ten out of ten. Can I go now?

Dream: Not yet, love. N is really great and makes a lot of us really really happy! 

Nightmare: Great and mature. She acts like a mom though. I get why.

PJ: Great at making dares and asking questions!

Fresh: Funky Fresh! Like Cross said, ten out of ten.

Error: I wAnT to GO.

Ink: He's just cranky. We woke him from his afternoon nap when Eva had a half day of school. Ha ha! But we really like N. She's nice to us and understands us.

Goth: She's my favorite here. She's nice and buys us nice cream when I forget my walette on dates. 

Palette: I don't even know how she finds us or knows Goth forgot his money! She's like... like... magic mama!

Goth: You're keeping the nickname, aren't you?

Palette: Yep!

Goth: *sigh*

Lust: N is really great to all of us. I can't ask for better.

G: She is bae~ Love ya babe~

Eva: See, N? We love you! Here's proof!


Eva: Well, that's it for now! Don't forget to ask and dare!

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