Art Critique

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*eva is drawing on the floor with Blueberry and two Sanses yet to Be introduced. Ink is also there.*

Ink: Hey Guys, whatcha drawing. Oh, hello boys. I didn't expect to see you two here.

???: Huh!? Oh... Hey Ink...

???: Hey Gandpa.

Blue: INK LOOK AT WHAT I DREW!!! IS IT GOOD? *flashes a little cartoon of a little human boy that looks like him* 

Ink: Well, this is a chili art style, right? I'd suggest making the lines smoother instead of so jagged. Other than that it looks amazing, blue.

Blueberry: YAY!!!

Ink: Eva, why are Cray and BluePrint here?

Eva: *looks up from her drawing* Huh? Oh. Cray wanted a place where he can actually visit his Dads for once Andy them Ben happy he existed in the first place. BluePrint is here because Honey decided he didn't want to take car ever of him when he had his own kids to look after. So me and Blueberry are here taking care of them. I wouldn't be surprised if Gradient swung by hoping to stay or something. 

Ink: Oh, that makes sense. What are you drawing?"

Eva: I'm uisjng charcoals to make a portrait of Blueberry. I have a bad art style, I know. *foahses sketchbook*

Ink: THeres always more to improve on. Make sure you don't make the charcoals too dark. There's no takings it back.

Cray: Hey Grandpa Ink! Check this out: *flahses his abstract painting*

Ink: Abstract art? I don't see much of thst anymore. I can see what you're talking trying to do, make the background cool colors and make the focus the warm colors. But right now you have too much purple in the background. Add more green and blue to balance it out.

Cray: Alright. Thanks Grandpa.

Ink: Okay, and what about you BluePrint?

BluePrint: Uh.... it's no good... *flashes artwork*

Ink: woah.

Eva: *gasos And drops charcoal*

Blueberry: WOAH!!!

Cray: Wow. That's good.

BluePrint: *blushes From the praise*

Ink: That is an amazing landscape. With no references to boot! You're a natural. 

BluePrint: Uh, Thank you....

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