Lazy Time

139 3 13

*blueprint is playing Blue Soul on Eva's phone while she and Lust talk some serious stuff.*

Eva: GEEEZ this book has WAY more plot than it does actual asking and daring!

Lust: Well, a good story always captivates anyone. Well, that and a sexy appearance.

Eva: Yeah, but I'm worried this book isn't as good as a normal ask/dare.

Lust: You want more dares to spice it up.

Eva: Yeah!

Lust: So basically you just want to be really popular on Wattpad really fast.

Eva: Well, if you put it like that it makes me sound more like an attention whore.

Lust: Well, everyone deserves attention. It's just some people crave it more. You're not an attention whore if you just want people to like what you also like. Even if that means reading what you write.

Eva: Pfft. Since when were you so practical and right?

Lust: Since I stopped letting my origins and lust control me.

Eva: People can learn from you.

Lust: heh, says the girl who's first sans crush was a married man.

Eva: fuck off.

Lust: I don't think you'd want to see that~

Eva: Wait, How did you learn that?

Lust: Please, it's obvious you used to have an obsession for Reaper before Blueberry. Then Cray. Now it's me. That's what your little "assistants" are.

Eva: Shut up. I'm an obsessive fangirl. I can't help it!

Lust: Uh huh~ Sure~

Eva: *pouts*

Blueprint: Mom, I beat your high score.

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