What a Beautiful Wedding

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Priest = Eva. Best Man = Nightmare. Bridesmaids = Goth, Cray, Blueperint, Palette. Maid of Honor = Ink

Eva: Dearly beloved, we have gathered here today to clelbrete and officiate the union between Cross of CrossTale and Dream of DreamTale. I'm going to skip all the pleasantries of the long speech I'm supposed to give and just skip right to the I do's. Any problems?

Cross: Works perfectly for me. 

Dream: *giggles* go ahead.

Eva: Good. *smiles* Cross, do you take this protector of The multiverse to be your lawfully wedded husband that you shall protect and be by his side until you cease to exist?

Cross: I do

Eva: Dream, do you take Cross to be your lawfully wedded husband which you shall protect and keep happy and full of love until you cease to exist?

Dream: I do

Eva: If anyone has any objections, speak now or forever hold your peace.

Blueberry: *hesitsted wether he should raise his hand or not*

Classic* Takes his hand down and entwined it with his own*

Eva: There are no objections, so you may now kiss the skeleton.

Cross: With pleasure~

*they kiss. Everybody cheers*

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