HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY ft. two proud Skellie-Dads

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Assy: Happy Mother's Day Mommy!

Eva: *flinches And blushes* Wait, me?!

Assy: Uh-Huh! Who else?

Eva: *looks over at Edge and Sci who are watching from around the corner* Hey, Assy. Do you want to do someThing for me?

Assy: *gasps* Uh Huha,

Eva: *whispers to him* Go tell those same words to your papa and then give him a great big hug

Assy: Yes Mommy!

*Assy walks over to Edge, making him confused.*

Edge: Huh? Whatcha want kiddo?

Sci: *gasps softly and watches with a video camera in hand*

Assy: Happy Mother's Day Papa! *hugs his dad*

Edge: WHAT!?

Eva: *smriks*

Sci: I got it! The whole thing! This is too precious! *clases camera and runs*

Edge: *blushes And grumbles. Then sighs* I love you Assy.

Assy: I wuv you too Papa.

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