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*we interrupt Blueprint playing Blue Soul to bring you this request. Be grateful*

Blueprint: Uh, Mommy? Can I have the phone back now?

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Blueprint: Uh, Mommy? Can I have the phone back now?

Eva: Uh, I kinda need it to see everyone Ink is shipped with.

Error: mAInly mE

Ink: Ha ha! Error! Don't be salty! You know how this fandom is with their ships.

Error: *sigh* rIGht.

Eva: Error I highly doubt you want to be here. Before they ask for you to get shipped.

Error: iM oUT. 

Ink: Bye babe! So, Eva. I have to react to the ships of me other than error?

Eva: Yep. Let start with the easy ones. 

Ink: Oh

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Ink: Oh. Me and Dream. I'll admit it, it's adorable. But I think of him more like a bubbly little brother or younger cousin. He's family to me.

Eva: Okay, Classic "he's like family to me". Next....

Blueprint: Hey! I'm in this one! 

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Blueprint: Hey! I'm in this one! 

Ink: That's right, kiddo. Me and your Dad. How you were made was a real fun story.

Eva: I know that one! But Ink, the dare.

Ink: Right. Again, it's very cute. I find it less plausible than the Dream ship of me, yet it's oddly compelling. My third choice definitely. Blueberry is a lot of fun.

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