Smut for the soul

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Error and ink: *share a look*

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Error and ink: *share a look*

Eva: *lenny face* 

Error: nO.

Eva: What?

Error: yoU'RE asKinG uS to LitERAllY fUcK iN fROnt oF yOU

Ink: We put our foot down.

Eva: I don't control who requests what!

Error: GEt DuST anD luSt tO dO iT.

Eva: *sigh* It's not like I like these kinds of requests.

Error: thEn BAn ThEm.

Eva: no!

Ink: and why not?

Eva: Because I don't want people to think less of me as an author or get mad at me.


Eva: *sigh* I know.... I don't want to disappoint. Ya know?

Ink: *sigh* I know. But me and Error won't do this.

Eva: I shouldn't have asked you to in the first place....

Ink: There. Now why don't you finish that clever little drawing for a new book you were thinking of? Maybe ask cray waht he thinks of your story idea?

Eva: Sounds fun.

Ink: That's the spirit!

Error: *after Eva leaves*YoU oNLy dID thAT to GEt oUt oF thAt, DidN't yOu?

Ink: *giggles*

Error: *smirks* thIs iS wHy I lOVe yOu.

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