We Fight, We Break Up

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*Lust is crying into his knees*

Eva: What the- Lust? This isn't like you. What happened?

Lust: *sniff* Dusty doesn't want me anymore... He grew bored. 

Eva: He broke up with you!? But why? You two were doing so well. You two were so alike. You both changed eachother for the better. It was a great relationship.

Lust: *sniff* He said I was being a bitch a-and a whiny whore because of G and he s-says I'm not worth his time and He'd rather french kiss G than be with me for another day...

Eva: Wow. That's not even a ship.

Lust: I know!

Eva: Why would Dust do this?

Outer: Hey Evangeline? We have a new arrival.

Lust and Eva: *share a look* 

Eva: This could explain it...

Lust: Wha- Who did he *sniff*Leave me for?

Dust: I missed you so much! I promise I will never love another again! My mistake. 

???: Never do it again.

Dust: I won't!

???: Wow, you've let your guard down a lot. You act different too. Heh. Must have gone soft.

Eva: Horror!?

Lust and Outer: Horror?

Horror: You rang?

Lust: He left me for HIM!

Horror: Ex problems? *sigh* Must Be a shipper.

Dust: Again, I'm so sorry. Never should have happened. It was thst crazy bitch's fault.

Lust and Eva: HEY!

Dust: Not you, crazy bitch. The author crazy bitch.


Horror: We have no ears.

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