Father and Son and Crush

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*Blueprint is in front of the door where blueberry locked himself in*

Print: *knocks on door* Dad?

Berry: Go away, Blueprint...

Print: But Dad I want to talk to you. You aren't acting yourself!

Berry: I said go away. Please go away. I need.... to figure some things out...

Print: Well, I'm not moving from this spot until you let me in!

Berry: ... Mweh... You really are my son. 

*the door unlocks. Blueprint walks in*

Print: Dad...

Berry: I'm sorry you have to see me like this...

Print: Dad I know.

Berry: ...

Print: It's because Mister Dream is going to marry Cross, not you.

Berry: ...

Print: Dad you need to talk about your feelings. You need to talk about this!

Berry: ...

Print: *sighs* Dad... 

*Blueprint gets the text from Eva that Dream is a moment or two away*

Print: If you won't talk to me.... talk to him...

Berry: ?

*the door opens and a very concerned Dream walks in.*

Dream: Blueberry?

Berry: Dream!? I MEAN, HI DREAM!!! *fake happiness activated*

Dream: Blueberry don't pretend. 

*blueprint leaves*

Blueberry: ...

Dream: Why didn't you tell me? I could have helped you... I'm so sorry. If I wasn't around you so much this never would have happened...

Blueberry: But Dream, I wanted to be around you. I still do.. forever... but you don't feel the same...

Dream: No! If I wasn't around you so much you woudlnt get addicted to my aura and you would have never had "fallen in love" with me! I should have known. No one is immune. Not even Ink or you.

Blueberry: But Dream I don't want you because of your happy aura. I love you for you. 

Dream: You're just like all of them!

Blueberry: No, I'm not!

Dream: It's all my fault!

Blueberry: No! It's my fault! I'm the one who fell in love with you! *realizes what he said and covers his mouth*

Dream: ...I knew it....

Blueberry: *on the verge of tears*

Dream: I'm sorry. I never should have let you stick around so long.... *turns to leave*

Blueberry: *grabs his wrist before he does* No! I never told you because I was scared of this! I didn't want you to go! You say you don't know how to love. You say that everyone's loves you because you instantly make them happy well thsts not why! I love you because-

Dream: STOP!!! Just... stop Blueberry. You aren't the exception, Cross is. I'm sorry, but across makes me happy. You're feeling a delusion like everyone else. I should go before you get even more addicted. *tries to pull away*

Blueberry: I'm not letting you leave until we resolve this, Dream. We never fight!

Dream: ...I'm sorry. *slips away and runs*

Blueberry: *watches in tears as Dream runs away with him.* No...

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