Spplap Me Doo Presents

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Lust: *smirking*

B: *smirking*

(Star = B FYI, I used the wrong name before)

(Star = B FYI, I used the wrong name before)

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Eva: Weapons down boys.

Dust: Evangeline, you can't possibly-

Eva: What did I just say!?

Horror: Why are you a bitch to us and not to anyone else.

Dust: She used to be a bitch to Cross too, but they're somewhat cool now.

Horror: Huh, I thought she liked my character.

Eva: Okay, I'm a bitch. But I'm the Alpha Bitch, so you do what I say and weapons down. 

Horror: *sighs* As long as we agree you're a total bitch. *weapon down*

Dust: I can dust you right now.

Eva: Then I'd come back because you'd kill fictional me and real life me still exists.

Dust: *sighs and defeat and drops weapon*

Eva: Good. B, Lust, do the honors?

B: *slaps horror as hard as she can*

Lust: *slaps Dust as hard as he can*

B: That felt good!

Lust: Revenge is best served through a dare~

Horror: I hate you both.

Dust: *scoffs and spits at Eva's feet*

Eva: I can delete you like Monika.chr

Dust: Do it. I dare you.

Horror: If you're deleting him, please delete me too. This place is hell.

Eva: *smirks* then why not torture you by making you stay?

Dust: Fuck you.

Lust: Weren't satisfied with me or Horror, huh?

Dust: *growls*

Horror: I will chop off your skull and grind your bones and feed you to the other Sanses.

Lust: Go ahead. I dare you.

B: Okay, this is going a bit too far.

Eva: Ha! You should see them when the book isn't on a chapter and G is involved!

Ask or Dare AU SansesWhere stories live. Discover now