Toasters are Cool I Guess

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*Eva is hanging out with Reaper and Goth. They are having a father-son day and asked her to come along to make sure they get it right when she gets a notification.*

Eva: Pfft

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Eva: Pfft

Goth: Huh? What is it Eva?

Reaper: Something so funny it'll be the death of you?

Eva: Hey Goth, someone Ships you with a Toaster. How do you feel about that?

Goth: ...

Reaper: ...

Goth: Well... toasters are cool... I guess..

Reaper: *bursts out laughing* Oh this fandom is killing me!

Goth: D-Dad! *blushes* Please calm down!

Reaper: *calms down a little, but not much* First they make the weirdest ships, then they have this whole idea just so it allows us to have sex, and now a toaster? What will the fandom do next? 

Eva: Okay even I'm not that crazy.

Goth: I'm sorry, he's rarely like this.

Eva: Oh, I know. But this is just funny to watch.

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