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Eva: Ready boys? Three, two, one, GO!



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Geno: And I'm borderline sad.

Geno: And I'm borderline sad

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Dream: I'm borderline good!

Nightmare: And I'm borderline bad~

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Nightmare: And I'm borderline bad~

Ink: And I can't get rid of tingling fear, You'd part me put if my head gets clear

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Ink: And I can't get rid of tingling fear, You'd part me put if my head gets clear.

Ink: And I can't get rid of tingling fear, You'd part me put if my head gets clear

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Reaper: I'm living in shackles~

Reaper: I'm living in shackles~

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Edge: But I'm borderline free

Edge: But I'm borderline free

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Cross: I used to be blind

Fresh: Yet I still can't see

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Fresh: Yet I still can't see

Error: I wOn'T gET aRouNd tO a ChANge Of MInD, aS lOnG aS nO OnE BrEAks MY StRIde

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Error: I wOn'T gET aRouNd tO a ChANge Of MInD, aS lOnG aS nO OnE BrEAks MY StRIde.

Error: I wOn'T gET aRouNd tO a ChANge Of MInD, aS lOnG aS nO OnE BrEAks MY StRIde

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Eva: Thanks Guys! Thsts a wrap!

Eva: Thanks Guys! Thsts a wrap!

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