Hello, How are You?

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*Eva is so excited and she just can't hide it. She has her oneshot book over three thousand reads and Is doing an actual book too. She is grinning also because she won th end of season softball tournament. Then she looks at her phone and frowns.*

Blueberry: *magically appears* HELLO EVA!!! *sees she's frowning Hern holding a first place trophy

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Blueberry: *magically appears* HELLO EVA!!! *sees she's frowning Hern holding a first place trophy.* WHAT IS TH MATTER???

Eva: N... I'm so sorry about whatever happened to you. If someone needs their- *covers where Blueberry's ears would be* ass *uncovers* kicked call me and I will slap a *covers* bitch *uncovers.*

Blueberry: *pause for dramatic affect* DID YOU SWEAR!?

Eva: Of course not! Let's see.... N likes Classic, Nightmare, and Error. So.... 

*Error, Nightmare, Classic, And N magically poof into the room.*

Error: wHAt tHE!?

Nightmare: Oh, so we have a request now~

Classic: Can we get this through, I'm bone tired.

N: ....

Classic: *sees N* Oh, heya kid. What's up?

Error: eVA, whY iS tHis hUMaN diSfUnCtionAl?

Nightmare: She isn't dysfunctional. She's sad.

Classic: Come on Kid, smile for me. Give me a big, skeleton grin!

N: ...

Blue: I don't like this...

Eva: N, know you are loved. We all love you. I love you. Your works inspires me and the fact you're always here for me, no matter the fandom, fills me with so much joy I can feel comprehend it. You are loved. Now, HUGGLEZ!!!

Blue: Yay! *hugs*

Classic: Come here, kid *hugs*

Error: *sigh* OnLy becAuSe yoUrE sAd.... *hugs but cringes*

Nightmare: Usually I Love the melancholy atmosphere, but not on you. *hugs.*

N:... *smiles* thank you....

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