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Shawn's P.O.V

Today was going to finally be a nice lazy day for me and Y/N. I hadn't had a day off in quite a while and I was looking forward to it.

Slowly getting up and out of bed I looked over careful not to wake Y/N. Smiling I went to our closet to find a pair of sweatpants to put on.

"Shawn?" I heard Y/N.

"In the closet babe"

I heard her get up and her footsteps dance across the floor. She came up behind me and wrapped her arms around me.

"you smell nice!" she laughed.

"well that's good"

"so I was thinking today we could do some baking or something because we haven't had a lazy day in a while!" I smiled.

"Yeah that sounds really fun!"

Y/N unwrapped her arms from around me and pulled out a pair of her sweatpants.

"matching!" she laughed pulling them on.

She grabbed my hand and pulled me down the stairs.

"want to make cookies first?" I asked.

"hell yeah I do!"

I laughed and helped her get all the ingredients out of the pantry and fridge. Setting them all out on the counter I smiled. Today would be fun.

"So how are we going to do this?" I asked.

"wet ingredients in a separate bowl and then dry in another?" she asked.


I grabbed all the dry ingredients while she worked with the wet ones. Pouring the flour, salt, sugar, baking soda, and baking powder into a bowl I started mixing. She had already started mixing her ingredients when I got an idea.

Picking up some of the flour in my hand I tossed it at her. Watching as it drifted along her shirt and face I laughed.

"what the hell Shawn!" she laughed.

"i'm sorry" I said making it sound more like a question.

"oh it's on!"

She grabbed my bowl and tossed some of it at me. When she turned around to ru away I grabbed her waste and pulled her into my chest.



"put me down!"

"never!" I smiled kissing her neck.

A few minutes later we had both ended up lying on the kitchen floor just laughing at each other. Forgetting that my sister was coming over to help us bake I was a little shocked when she walked in.

"Shawn, Y/N! what did you guys do" she giggled.

"oh nothing Aaliyah! We just had a flour fight" Y/N laughed.

"I see" she said raising an eyebrow at me.

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