Shark Attack

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Y/N's P.O.V

Sitting on the beach with Shawn we were in Hawaii on a vacation. I was enjoying the sun so much just basking in all its glory.

"Y/N, make sure you stay hydrated and don't stay in the sun to long" Shawn said.

"yes mom" I laughed.

I knew he was right but I just couldn't help but tease him.

"Y/N" he groaned.

"I'm sorry! You know I love you" I rolled over and looked at him.

"I know!" he ruffled my all ready messed up hair.

"Wanna go surfing?" he asked me.

"I don't know how to surf" I laughed.

"well me either" he said helping me up.

"okay then! Let's go" I got up and followed him into the surf shop.

"Hello, we were wanting to go surfing but neither of us have ever been" Shawn said walking up to the man at the front.

"yeah of course! Well just have to get you guys to sign these waivers and then i'll send you out with one of our guys"

Handing us the forms to fill out he measured how tall we were and went back to find some boards. Once me and Shawn were done signing the waivers the man came back with our boards and one of the guys.

"Hey! I'm Lukas and i'll be out on the waves with you guys today!" he showed us his crooked smile.

"Hi Lukas!" I smiled at him.

Grabbing our boards me and Shawn followed Lukas to the water.

"So you guys should be good today because the waves are pretty amazing out there!" Lukas laughed.

"that's good to hear!" Shawn said.

"Also just look out for dark figures in the water, if you see anything paddle back to shore immediately" Lukas looked serious.

Suddenly nervous I grabbed Shawn's hand.

"don't be nervous Y/N, the likeness of us seeing a shark out there is pretty slim" Shawn whispered to me.

He kissed the top of my head and we headed out towards the ocean.

Getting on the board all three of us paddled out farther into the waves. Lukas had already caught a wave leaving me and Shawn behind.

"Well we should at least try right?" I said.

"yeah!" Shawn laughed.

Ducking under a wave Shawn finally got up just leaving me. Trying to find a wave I was just sitting on the board swinging my legs in the water. Feeling something knock my board I looked down in the water and saw a rather big shadow.

Freaking out I got on my board and started paddling. Paddling for my life, the shore, Shawn, anything.

Kicking my legs to help me paddle faster I could feel teeth sink into my leg. Screaming Shawn and Lukas started paddling over to me, Lukas was paddling my board to shore.

"Y/N hold on. We're going to get you help" Shawn said.

I could hear the worry in his voice.

"Shawn, go into the surf shop and tell the guy at the front to call 911. Run now." Lukas said.

Pulling off his water shirt he wrapped it around my leg and picked me up. Hearing sirens in the distance I wanted to close my eyes but I knew I couldn't.

"Shawn, where's Shawn" I said.

"He's coming back, just hold on Y/N" Lukas said.

Hearing sirens in the distance I could feel Lukas put me on a bed. Hopefully it was the gurney and hopefully I was going to the hospital.

"Y/N, it's okay I got you" Shawn came in and grabbed my hand sitting next to me in the ambulance.

Waking up I blinked my eyes and looked around the room. Hearing monitors beeping I looked over and saw Shawn on the chair next to my bed.

"Shawn" I said tapping his shoulder.

"Y/N! are you okay?" he asked.

"yeah just a little shaken up" I said.

He came and climbed into the bed next to me.

"How's my leg?" I asked.

"there's some deep bite marks but over time they will heal, the doctors said there's no muscle damage so your really lucky" Shawn sighed.

"I was so scared Y/N"

I could feel the tears roll down his face.

"It's okay Shawn, i'm fine, look i'm here it's okay" I smiled wiping the tears off his face.

"I know, I know" he said.

Leaning up he kissed me and smiled.

"I love you so much Y/N"


So I just finished watching Soul Surfer. I forgot how good that movie is.

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