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Y/N's P.O.V

Lying on the couch in me and Shawn's apartment I flipped through the channels and finally landed on the Simpsons.

Coming home early see you soon! Need me to pick anything up?

I read the text from Shawn.

drive safe and i'm all good! See you soon :)

Setting my phone back down I just watched Homer run around his house yelling like a maniac.

Hearing the front door open I looked up from the couch and smiled.

"Hey baby!"

"Hey!" he smiled leaning over the couch and giving me a kiss.

"I just have to get changed and i'll come back and join you!"

Sitting up on the couch I heard Shawn come back down the stairs and he sat next to me.

"Your watching the simpsons again Y/N!" Shawn laughed.

"yes, yes I am!"

Later in the day the sun disappeared and it started raining. We didn't have any lights on in the house so it was dark.

Me and Shawn had just finished our third movie for the day and we were starting another one. I was lying down shoved into the back of the couch all warm and snuggly and Shawn was lying on top of me.

He had his arms wrapped around me and my arms were wrapped around him.

"Did you have a good day? I totally forgot to ask!" I looked at Shawn.

"yeah it was good a little boring since we don't really have much to be doing at the moment"

Proping himself up he looked down at me and I saw a smirk appear on his face.

"what!" I asked.

"nothing your just really nice to look at!"

"well so are you!"

He leaned down and kissed me. Smiling into the kiss I started running my hands through his hair. Shawn nuzzled his head into my neck and started kissing my neck.

I knew it would leave some hickeys but I didn't care I wanted everyone to know that I was Shawn's. Smiling I pulled him away from my neck and kissed him on the lips. 

"Babe I don't want this to go to far!" I said.

"yeah right, okay!"

Kissing him again he leaned his head back on my chest and I just sighed.

"I love you Shawn!"

"I love you to Y/N"

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