Shawn babe

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Y/N's P.O.V

Walking into the house after a long day at work I expected to find Shawn on the couch or the kitchen. The two usual places he was if he wasn't in the studio or on tour.

"Shawn?" I called out.

"upstairs" I heard a muffled yell.

Heading up the stairs I looked and found Shawn lying in bed.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"not really" he sighed.

Coming closer to him it looked as if he had been crying.

"what happened babes" I said crawling on the bed next to him.

"I was over thinking again and I had an anxiety attack."

I could see he was going to start crying again.

"shhh it's okay Shawn, your okay now"

Pulled him closer to me I put his head on my lap and just ran my fingers through his hair. Feeling his arms latch on to me like it was life or death I sighed.

"babe why didn't you call me?" I asked.

"I didn't want to bother you at work" he sniffed.

"you know you can always bother me at work lovey" I smiled down at him.

"okay" he smiled a little.

"do you want food?" I asked.

"uh yeah sure!"

Getting up off the bed I went to leave but Shawn pulled me back. Hugging me tightly he started crying again.

"please don't leave me Y/N" he whispered.

"i'm not going to leave you Shawn. i'm right here baby"

Unwrapping his arms I pulled him to me and just wrapped him in my arms. Rocking him a little bit I just rubbed his back and whispered sweet nothings in his ear.

"it's going to be okay Shawn. I promise, I know right now life seems tough but there's always a light at the end of the tunnel, right. Your going to have to go through hard times to get to the good ones! And I'll be right next to you through thick and thin" I smiled.

"Thanks Y/N, that means a lot"

"your welcome Shawn"

Continuing to rub his back I leaned back on to the head board. Feeling his breathing slow a little I knew he was sleeping.

"I love you my baby" I leaned down and kissed his head.

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