let me stay

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Y/N's P.O.V

Shawn was coming over tonight and I was so happy. I hadn't seen him for a few weeks because he was on his festival run and wasn't really home for the past few weeks. Hearing a knock on my door I jumped up and opened it revealing Shawn.

"Hi babe!" I smiled letting him in the apartment.

"Hey!" he kissed me.

"How were the festivals this time?" I smiled pulling him to my room.

"they were amazing, I got to go to so many different cities!" he smiled laying down on my bed.

"Shawn! I didn't take you in here to sleep" I laughed.

"but i'm tired!" he whined rolling himself up in my blankets.

"fine! but my parents will be home soon and you know how they hate when you stay the night!" I sighed.

"yeah I know"

He pulled me down onto the bed with him and tossed a blanket over me. Pulling me into him he laughed a little.

"Why are you laughing?" I asked.

"I think i'm over tired" he smiled.

"then you stay here and i'll go wait for my parents and then come back once they are home"

"okay" he closed his eyes.

Climbing out of the bed I pulled the blankets back over him and kissed his forehead and ruffled his hair a little.

Walking out of my room I went to sit on the couch and as soon as I touched down my parents opened the front door.

"Y/N, we brought home dinner" smelling the food I smiled and helped them with the food.

"Thanks you guys!" I smiled.

Pulling out the food from the bags I grabbed my burger and sat at the table. Scarfing it down with a few words to my parents in between I excused myself and lied about being tired from a long day at school. Hearing back to my room I saw Shawn still asleep on my bed.

Shutting my door I put my pjs on and turned off the lights. Climbing into bed with him I pulled the blankets back over both of us.

"Y/N, your back" Shawn said tiredly.

"yeah, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but you should probably leave soon" I sighed.

"let me stay tonight? I'll be so quiet your parents won't even know i'm here"



"I can't just let you stay"

"why not?" he sulked.

The moon lighting up his features.

"you know what fine! but if we get caught your explaining it to my parents!" I laughed.

"i'm cool with that!"


Rolling back over he pulled me into his chest and nuzzled his face into my neck.

"stop! that tickles!" I whispered.

"sorry!" he laughed.

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