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Y/N's P.O.V

I had finally tucked in Xavier for the night and went to bed with Shawn. It was suppose to storm tonight and I was afraid that Xavier would get up in the night he was only five but already was scared of storms.


"yeah babe" he pulled me into him.

"it's suppose to storm later tonight"

"I know! I hope our little dude doesn't wake up" Shawn nuzzled his head into my neck.

"yeah me either I don't know if I could take it tonight" I sighed.

"Well let's try and sleep so if he does wake up we at least have a little bit of sleep" Shawn said.

"okay, I love you"

"love you to"

"mom" I opened my eyes.

"momma!" I heard Xavier cry.

Getting out of the bed I heard the thunder. Walking down the hall and turning the lights on I went into his room and turned on his light.

"hey baby do you wanna come sleep with mommy and daddy?" I asked.

"yeah" he sniffed.

Picking him up I turned off the light and walked back to me and Shawn's room. 

"guess we have a room mate tonight" I smiled.

"yay! sleepover" Xavier laughed.

Setting Xavier down on the bed I went and turned off the light. Watching as the lightning lit up the room I walked back over to the bed. Xavier hid under the covers so he couldn't see the lightning.

"momma" he cried.

"i'm coming bub"

Crawling into bed with my two boys I pulled Xavier into me and snuggled him, he laughed.

"goodnight my babes" Shawn yawned and rolled over.

"nighty night daddy" Xavier tucked into me. 

"goodnight Shawn, I love you"

"mhh love you to" he sighed.

"love you to!" Xavier whispered.

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