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Shawn's P.O.V

Today I was leaving L.A. after watching Harry Styles last night. Meeting up with Y/N she had gotten into the car with me. We were still keeping our relationship on the down low so we ended up going to the show separately.

"Hey babe!" I kissed her head as she got into the vehicle.

"Hi!" she smiled.

Running my thumb along her knuckles I smiled as the vehicle started moving again. Seeing Andrew shake his head I knew he was upset about something. Looking out the front window I saw all the paparazzi surrounding the vehicle.

"God damn" I sighed.

"Shawn just duck" Andrew said.

I was starting to get a little stressed out and Y/N could tell. She put her hand on my lap and just rubbed my knee she was ducking behind the seat so she wouldn't be seen in the photos.

"It's okay baby" she smiled. "we're going to get out of here and to the airport it's all going to be okay"


I was starting to panic.

There was no where to hide.

They were everywhere.

"Don't worry Shawn we're getting out of here" Andrew said pulling the visor down.

"Could you try to get past them please?" Y/N asked the driver.

"i'm sorry miss i'm trying my best" he said.

Shawn grabbed my hand and he was shaking a little.

"Shawn what's wrong?" Y/N asked me.

"I'm just panicking a little uh but it's all good" I sighed.

I felt like crying.

All of this was so overwhelming.

"Look they are clearing a little were going to get out of here Shawn!" Y/N smiled.

Once we were finally out of the sea of paparazzi the drive was on towards the airport. Trying my best to control my breathing I just took deep breaths.

"We're good now Shawn it's okay" Y/N grabbed my hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze.


So this is based off of a video I saw today on twitter of Shawn in a vehicle getting harassed by paparazzi. It annoys me because I understand he's a famous person but like let him live his life.

Sitting in a god damn car shouldn't be that exciting like why do paps need to photograph that.

Like Shawn has talked openly about his anxiety and things so like for the paps to just invade his space like that is extremely disrespectful.

Get a real job yeah losers.

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