just sleep

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Shawn's P.O.V

Today I had the day off from work but it wasn't very exciting because Y/N had a twelve hour shift. Hearing the front door unlock later in the day I got up off one of the stools in the kitchen and went to the front.

"Hey baby!" I smiled and helped Y/N with he coats and bags.

"hey" she smiled tiredly and rubbed her eyes.

"I made dinner! It's in the kitchen just simmering on the stove" I gently grabbed Y/N's hand and led her to the kitchen.

Sitting her down at the table I went to set out plates for us. I watched as she laid her head on the table and sighed.

"tired lovely?" I set the spaghetti down in front of her.

"yeah" she grabbed a little and started eating.

Once we were done with dinner I set the plates and utensils in the sink to wash later. Heading to the couch with Y/N I sat down and she curled up next to me and laid her head on my lap.

Running my fingers through her hair she flipped through the channels and finally landed on Brooklyn 99. I watched as Y/N's eyes fluttered every once and a while.

"Y/N babe you can sleep" I told her.

"I know but I don't want to just yet" she sighed rolling over and looking up at me.

"Well if you fall asleep i'll just carry you to bed okay?"

"okay" she smiled and let her eyes close.

Turning off the lamp next to me it was dark in the house now. A faint glow coming from the tv. Feeling Y/N's breathing slow I knew she was sleeping.

Picking her up gently I carried her up the stairs and set her on the bed. Going back downstairs I made sure everything was locked and turned the tv off. Heading back up the stairs I saw Y/N under the covers and her clothes all over the floor.

Smiling to myself I went and got into bed next to her. Pulling her closer to me I sighed softly and shut my eyes so I could sleep.


first day of work was a success!!!

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