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Shawn's P.O.V

Waiting on the couch for Shannon to be home from school was so boring. Why did she have to have an 8 hour school day, what the hell was I suppose to do for that long.

Sighing I sat up and went to look in the fridge for some food I could make. Hearing a light knock on the door I thought maybe it was Shannon. Looking at the time it couldn't be her.

Slowly walking to the window so I could see who was outside the door I saw a man. He looked like he was here to drop off a package so I opened the door.

"Hello, are you-" he looked down at the clipboard. "Mr. Mendes?" he asked.

"yeah that's me!" I smiled.


Seeing him pull out a bag he tossed it over my head and pulled me off the ground.

Shannon's P.O.V

Getting home from school I walked up the driveway and found the front door wide open and a few things left on the front porch. Cautiously walking inside I looked around and called out for Shawn.

"babe!" I yelled. "are you home?" no answer.

Quickly running to the computer in the den I opened it up and ran back the security footage from this afternoon. Seeing a man grabbing Shawn I called the police and told them that he had been kidnaped.

"So we were informed you had evidence that your boyfriend had been taken, is that correct Miss?" the officer said as I led them to the den.

"yes that's correct" I sighed.

Running my hands through my hair I was so nervous I didn't know who would want to take Shawn let alone why.

The officers watched the footage and then we all left the house to go back to the station so they could put together clues. I could take just sitting in their office anymore so I got up and took a walk outside.

Walking past a building that looked super sketchy I stopped and went to turn back when I heard two men talking.

"yeah we have the kid. Shawn Mendes right?"

"what the hell do you mean that's not who you wanted?"

"well we have him so what do you want us to do with him?"


Hearing the footsteps coming towards me I ran back to the police station.

"Shawn is in the building next to us" I said out of breath.

"how do you know?" the officer eyed me suspiciously.

"I heard two men talking they were talking about Shawn" I said.

Following the officers they went inside the building while I was instructed to wait outside until I got the all clear. Seeing them signal me I ran inside and up the stairs.

Heading into the room I saw Shawn on the floor tied up and gagged.

"Shawn!" I said rushing to him and helping him out of the restraints and taking the gag off his mouth.

"Shannon. I was so scared" he let the tears fall down his face.

"it's okay. i'm here, I got you your safe" I said pulling him into me as he sobbed.

I was happy to have Shawn back in my arms. Now all I needed was to get him home safe and sound.


for Shannon1300

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