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Shawn's P.O.V

Walking around the house me and Y/N were still mad at each other. We got into a stupid fight last night about me going on a press tour again.

"Y/N" I called out.

No answer just like the last few times I tried.

Sitting down at the kitchen island and eating my sandwich I heard Y/N come down the stairs. I knew we wouldn't be able to stay mad at each other forever. Watching as she walked into the kitchen she was wearing her shorts and a hoodie of mine. She caught my stare for a moment so I smiled.

"I'm going out today I won't be back until later" she said.

Grabbing food out of the fridge she stuck it in the microwave.

"okay where are you going?" I asked.

"out with friends" she pulled her food out of the microwave and went back upstairs.

Sighing to myself I set my plate in the sink and went to lay on the couch.  Hearing the front door close around fifteen minutes later I knew Y/N was gone.

I was in bed for the night when I heard the front door open again it was only eight. Y/N came into the room and threw off her clothes and pulled on her pjs.

"how was it?" I asked as she climbed into bed.

"It was alright"

I felt the sheets move. Rolling over her back was faced to me and she had her one arm over the back of her. Rolling over so I had my back facing her as well I put my arm back a little as well.

"goodnight Y/N, I love you very much" I said grabbing her hand.

"I love you to" she laced her fingers with mine.

I knew we would be making up soon but not right away. I just loved Y/N so much and I loved how we could always figure things out in the end.

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