Girl's day

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Shawn's P.O.V

Today Y/N and Aaliyah we're going to spend the day together. She was going to be at our house soon so I had to get Y/N up.

"Y/N. You have to get up now Aaliyah is coming over soon!" I smiled.

"okay" I watched as a smile appeared on her face.

She crawled out of the bed and went into the bathroom. Walking down the stairs I went to the kitchen to start making pancakes.

Y/N's P.O.V

After doing my hair and makeup in the bathroom I left the room and went downstairs to find Shawn making breakfast.

"Hey babe!" I smiled.

"Your up!"


"you look nice!" he said.

I looked down at my jeans and flowered shirt. Running my fingers through my hair I smiled.


He smiled and took the pan off the stove dropping the pancakes onto a plate. Sitting down with me we started eating. When we were almost done the doorbell rang and I got up to get it.

"Aaliyah!" I smiled bringing her inside.

"Hey Y/N!" she smiled hugging me.

"Are you ready for today?"

"yeah! I'm excited!" she said following me into the kitchen.

Helping Shawn clean up the dishes I gave him a hug and a kiss and grabbed my car keys. Heading into the garage with Aaliyah in tow.

"So do we want to get our nails done first?" I asked backing out of the garage.

"sure! and then we're going shopping?" she asked.

"of course!" I smiled.

Driving down the street I turned on the AC because it was finally nice out. The snow was melting and the sky was blue. Pulling into the nail salon parking lot I parked and we walked inside. Smiling at the lady at the front desk I told her we were here for our manicures.

Sitting us down we were started on getting our nails done. I picked out a nice shade of (insert color here) and passed it to the lady.

@youruser- girls day!tagged aaliyah

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@youruser- girls day!
tagged aaliyah.mendes

Leaving the nail salon we got back into the vehicle and made our way to the mall. Going through almost every store we had quite a few bags before we were finished and heading home.

Pulling up to the house I opened the garage door and pulled in. Parking I turned the car off and shut the garage following Aaliyah inside.

"your back!" Shawn smiled.

"yeah" I said giving him a hug.

"how was it?"

"so amazing!" Aaliyah said.

"thanks for taking me out Y/N!" she hugged me.

"no problem buddie!" I smiled.

She went up to the room we set up for her and put her bags away.

"Y/N have I ever told you how much I love the fact that you care for my sister like she's your own!" Shawn came over and pulled me into him.

"yeah I think maybe once or twice!" I smiled into his chest.

"okay good!" he kissed me.

"EWWW!" we both pulled apart and saw Aaliyah at the top of the stairs.

Laughing we told her to come downstairs so we could start making dinner.

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