Meet the Parents

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Y/N's P.O.V

Walking up the front steps of my house with Shawn a little behind me I could feel his palm sweating in mine.

"Hey, don't be nervous" I smiled back at him.

"easier said than done babe" he cracked a small smile.

Opening the front door my dogs started barking bending down to calm down my ferocious beasts I looked up and saw my parents walking over. Standing up I smiled.

"Hey mom, dad!" I hugged them. "this is Shawn!" I stepped to the side so they could see him.

"Hello Mrs. and Mr. (Y/L/N)" I shook their hands.

"oh please call me (y/m/n)" my mom pulled him in for a hug.

"okay!" he smiled.

"so Y/N tells me your into singing!" my dad claps him on the back as they walk to the backyard.

Leaving me and my mom in the kitchen to make the few things we had for dinner. Helping her with the salad and potato's while Shawn was outside with my dad working on cooking the steaks.

"He's very cute Y/N and the perfect gentle man as well" my mom smiled at me as I helped her set the table.

"yeah he's absolutely perfect" I had a blush creep up on my cheeks.

"i'm so glad to hear that Y/N I love seeing you happy" she hugged me.

Hearing the back door open again my dad and Shawn walked back inside.

"hello lovely ladies the steak is done!" my dad smiled setting the bowl on the table.

"perfect so is the rest of the food!" my mom smiled grabbing the salt and pepper.

"Y/N will you please come with me for a minute I need help grabbing a few drinks from the basement" my dad asked.

"yeah for sure!" I smiled.

Giving Shawn a small smile I walked off with my dad.

"so Y/N, Shawn was telling me about all his tours he goes on?" my dad said as we got downstairs.

"yeah he's away for most of the year when he's on tour but it's okay because I keep busy with school and work and we facetime all the time and call" I smiled.

"okay, i'm just making sure he's not completely leaving you hanging" my dad put an arm around my shoulders.

"don't worry, we're getting used to it all" I smiled as my dad grabbed two bottles of the sparkling water out of the fridge.

"that's good!" he said as we walked back upstairs to the kitchen.

After dinner which I thought went smoothly Shawn and me had to leave because Shawn had to start getting ready for tour. He was leaving in a few days so I was going to help him get ready.

Walking to the front door with my parents close behind we went to put our shoes on and my parents handed us the container of leftovers they made for us.

"thank-you for dinner mom and dad!" I smiled hugging them both.

"welcome sweetheart"

"Yes Thank-you so much for dinner, it was so nice to finally meet both of you" Shawn smiled.

He hugged my mom and my dad pulled him in for a hug as well. Once we had left my house and gotten into the car again Shawn sighed.

"wasn't as bad as you thought was it?" I smirked.

"nope it was way better than I expected" he kissed my temple.

"that's good, now what's next is for me to finally meet your family" I smiled pulling out of the driveway.

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