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Shawn's P.O.V

Walking downstairs I was ready to start my day but I guess Aaliyah had other plans.

"hey loser, drive me to the mall" she told me.

"if you asked nicely maybe I would"

"if you asked nicely maybe I would" she mocked me.

"Aaliyah I don't have time for this today and i'm not in the mood" I started to raise my voice.

"yeah whatever but next time you ask me for something just remember this and I won't be saying yes"

"I didn't even say no you brat. I asked you to ask me nicely so shut your face"

"make me!" she got off the couch and came up to me.

"maybe I will"

"yeah. you don't have the guts"

"yes I do. Aaliyah your just pissing me off to get a reaction out of me"

Turning away to leave she slapped me on the back. Turning to face her I raised my hand to hit her back but my mom caught me.

"Shawn Peter Raul Mendes!" my mom yelled.


"I don't want to hear it."

"seriously, she hit me first!" I argued.

"I don't care. go to your room now!"

Watching as Aaliyah pulled out the water works I glared at her and went back to my room.

Shannon's P.O.V

Checking my phone again I still had no messages from Shawn and he should have been here an hour ago. I called him again but it just went to voicemail.

hey it's Shawn you know what to do at the tone

Sighing I called Karen hopefully she would pick up.

"Shannon, hello!"

"Hi Karen, sorry to bother you but me and Shawn were suppose to hangout today and I haven't heard from him?"

"oh yes sorry sweetheart, he's been sent to his room for fighting with his sister, you can come see him if you'd like"

"okay thank-you i'll be over soon!"

Ending the call I started laughing a little only Shawn would be sent to his room at 19 years old for fighting with his sister.

Walking down the street I finally made it to his house knocking on the door Aaliyah answered and gave me a hug.

"Shannon! I haven't seen you in a while!"

"missed you Liyah!" I smiled while taking off my shoes.

Saying hi to Karen I walked up the stairs and into Shawn's room.

"what's up babe. Heard you in trouble" I said while opening the door.

"oh my god, i'm so sorry Shannon I completely forgot to tell you I'm grounded"

"have you been crying?" I shut the door behind me.

"yes. she makes me so frustrated she's never in trouble for doing anything"

"hey, it's okay I get it trust me!"

Going to sit next to him on the bed we just hung out all day.


Requested by Shannon1300

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