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Y/N's P.O.V

Walking into the little apartment me and Shawn shared after a long boring day at work I went to sit at the island in the kitchen.

"Hey baby" Shawn came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me kissing my head.

"Hi" I sighed.

"long day?" he asked.

"yeah, longest day ever" I leaned into him.

"want me to make hot chocolate or something?" he asked pulling away from me.

"I can make it" I smiled getting off the stool. "you go back to work" I sent him back to whatever he was doing.

Pulling out the kettle I started warming up the water for the hot chocolate. Opening the cupboard to find the box of hot chocolate packs I pulled it down and looked inside.


Squishing it I threw it out and walked to find Shawn in our office space.

"Why is there an empty box of hot chocolate packs up in the cupboard?" I asked.

"I guess I just accidentally put it away empty?" he said looking up at me.

Pinching the bridge of my nose I sighed and closed my eyes. Taking a deep breath in I opened my eyes and looked at Shawn.

"Please next time tell me it's empty so I know to get more. and don't put empty things away" I said.

"sorry i'll let you know next time"

"thank-you, also were there sheets on the desk with my name on them?" I asked moving a few papers to try and find them.

"Yeah I put them off to the side" Shawn moved a small stack of paper and showed me the empty table top.


"Y/N, I swear they were here" he started frantically looking.

"I need those for work!" I started looking with him. "oh no"

Looking down into the trash I saw my papers drenched in hot chocolate.

"Really?" I asked pulling them out.

"Y/N, i'm so sorry"

"Shawn. We've only been living together for a week and it's already a disaster." I felt the tears brim my eyes.

"Hey, hey hey don't cry baby girl. Please" Shawn stood up and wrapped his arms around me.

Crying into his sweatshirt I just let all of the stress from the day unload.

"i'm so sorry about your papers Y/N. Next time i'll be more careful, and for the hot chocolate i'll go pick some more up" he rubbed my back.

"It's okay, i'm just letting work stress get to me and then i'm taking it out on you which I shouldn't do" I sighed wiping my eyes.

"it's okay, we all get stressed out from time to time" he wiped away the tears on my cheeks. "i'll go start making dinner and you can relax on the couch and watch anything you want"

"okay" I sighed.

Following Shawn out of the office I went to sit on the couch while he made dinner.

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