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Shawn's P.O.V

Sitting on the couch in one of my over sized knit sweaters I just looked out of the window and sighed at all the rain.

"Y/N!" I heard Shawn call as he hauled his suitcases down the stairs.

"yeah Shawn?" I said getting up and helping him.

"nothing I just like the way your name rolls off my tongue!" he smirked at me.

"oh shush!" I giggled.

Setting his suitcases by the front door I went and hugged him.

"Hey don't worry i'm not leaving yet!" he laughed wrapping his arms around me.

"I know i'm just going to miss you like crazy!"

"me to!" he kissed my forehead as we pulled back from each other.

"here I got you something!" I smiled pulling him up the stairs.

Going into our room I went to one of my drawers as he sat on the bed. Pulling out one of my way oversized tshirts I threw it at him.

"That's for you!" I smiled.

He picked it up and looked at the design on the front. It was a photo of him and me cheesy I know.

"this is cute! Thanks Y/N!" he hugged me.

"and this is for you!" he pulled his hoodie off and helped me put it on.

"thanks!" I smiled and breathed in his wonderful scent.

Just standing in our room holding each other close we swayed back and forth.

"make sure you call me everyday" I said.

"yeah for sure! I'll call you and text you and facetime you!" he pulled me closer. "it will be like I never left, you'll be sick of me!" he let out a laugh.

"Oh Shawn! I could never get sick of you!" I said looking up at him.

"okay good" leaving down he kissed me.

I was going to miss Shawn while he was on tour but he would be back soon. It wouldn't be that long without seeing him.


So my hoodie still hasn't shipped and it's still pending and i'm like ahhhhh should I email them? ask them why it's still pending? Some people already have theirs and I don't ahah 😂😂😂

Shawn Mendes Imagines 2Where stories live. Discover now