Hospitals suck

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Y/N's P.O.V

Sitting in the hospital bed me and Shawn were waiting for the doctors to come in and tell me what was going on. My abdomen had been bothering me for a while now but I never went to get it checked because doctors and hospitals freak me out.


"yes Y/N"

"i'm freaking out. I can't be here" I said.

"it's okay babe, everything is going to fine" he came over and grabbed my hand.

The doctors walked in and started going over what they would be doing.

"Hello Y/N!" one of them came in.

"hi" I gave them a small smile.

"are you ready for today?"

"no" I looked at Shawn.

"she's ready" Shawn smiled at the doctors.

"alright, so all we will be doing today is just making a small incision along here"

The doctor ran her finger along the lower part of my stomach. Flinching a little bit I tried to jump back.

"please. don't" I said.

"hey, Y/N love it's okay" Shawn hugged me.

"just let them do what they have to, to help you"

"I can't." I whispered.

"Well give you some time!" the doctors left.

"Shawn. I can't do this, we have to leave" I looked at him trying to give him the best puppy dog eyes I could.





"Y/N" he stuck his tongue out at me.

"Shawn!" I smiled.

"ouch!" I yelped.

Looking over to my arm the nurse had stuck an I.V in my arm.

"Shawn" I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes.

"it's okay, they are going to fix you and everything will be okay" he kissed my forehead.

"You promise?"

"yes, I promise" he said holding out his pinky finger.

Grabbing it with my pinky he pulled me in and kissed me. Pulling apart I just sighed.

"okay i'm ready"

"okay" the doctors pulled the rails up on my bed.

Unlocking the wheels they started carting my out of the room and down the hallway. Making it to the door where Shawn wasn't allowed past I looked up at him and gave him a small smile.

"your going to do great babe, i'll see you when you wake up" he smiled.

"love you so much Shawn"

"love you to" he let go of my hand.

Watching as he disappeared I just took deep breaths to calm myself before going under.



going under GA (general anastesia) sucks haha i've had to go under twice 😳🙄

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