meet and greet

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Y/N's P.O.V

I was standing behind the curtain waiting for it to be my turn to meet Shawn. I was so nervous but mostly excited I couldn't wait to meet the one person who means the world to me.

Finally the curtain was pulled back and I came face to face with him. My breath hitched in my throat and I couldn't really say anything.

"here, this is for you" I said handing him a letter with my shaky hands.

He smiled and grabbed it.

"Thank-you hunny, do you know what pose you want?" he asked.

"no you can pick" I smiled.

"alright, come here" he held his arms out for me.

Going towards his embrace he pulled me in and hugged me. I have to admit it was a cute pose. The camera clicked a few times and I was done my meet and greet.

Giving the meet and greet people my email they told me the photos would be sent to me soon. Smiling I left and went back out to the main concourse to look at the merchandise.

A few hours later Shawn had come out on stage and started performing for all of us. I couldn't stop dancing and singing along to all the songs I was having the time of my life.

The concert had come to an end way to soon. Walking out of the arena I started making my way back to my vehicle. Driving home, I was still on the concert high blasting Shawn's songs all the way home.

Parking my car in the driveway I walked up the steps and into the house. My parents were still up and they were asking me all sorts of questions about everything that happened tonight. Finally they were done wanting to know everything, I said goodnight and went to my room.

Shutting my door I went to sit on my bed and pulled out my phone. Going on twitter I was going to tweet about the concert when I looked at my notifications. I had about 100.

Clicking I looked and saw I had a bunch of new followers and people congratulating me. Scrolling through the notifications I saw Shawn had followed me.

What the heck.

Trying to hold in a scream I turned on my bed and screaming into my mattress. Going to my messages I saw I had one from Shawn. What the heck was going on.


Hey Shawn!

I hope this isn't to weird but I couldn't stop thinking about you after the meet and greet



don't worry because I couldn't stop thinking about you either

Putting my phone down I smiled and went to put my pjs on tonight was the best night of my life.


Guys we're officially down to single digit days until Shawn's new album. I'm screaming I cannot wait!!!!!

Also if you guys want when he releases the album I can post a discussion and we can talk about the album and the songs.

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