New Job

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Y/N's P.O.V

Lying in my bed I was letting my nerves get the better of me. My fingers were going numb on me again, like they usually did when I was extremely nervous about something. Tomorrow was my very first day at my new job to be exact my first job ever.

"y/n, your mom sent me up here!" I rolled over and saw Shawn in my doorway.

"hey baby!" I held my arms out so he would come and lie with me.

Dropping his bag at the end of my bed and coming down to lie with me.

"what's up my love?"

"i'm nervous" I played with Shawn's fingers.

"because of your job tomorrow?"


"well i'm going to tell you something, it's always scary at first because your not sure what your going into who's going to be there or what's going to happen, but what I can tell you is that no one is going to leave you behind. Everyone there wants you to succeed and be able to do your best so don't worry to much about it" he smiled nuzzling his head into my hair.

"that's true, I guess i'm just freaked out about the unknown you know, like I don't know what's going to happen, where i'm going, how i'm getting there"

"don't worry baby, it's all going to work out! The first day will be the worst and then after that it will only get easier"

"okay" I sighed not believing him letting my anxiety get the worst of me.

"can you just stay here tonight though?" I asked.

"what about your parents?"

"you can leave and then i'll just let you back in when they go to bed?"

"yeah sure!"

After just lying in my bed for a few hours Shawn got up and said goodbye to my parents. Leaving my house he went into his jeep and drove down the street a little.

Fifteen minutes later my parents went to bed and I told them I would be staying up for a little longer. They said goodnight and went to bed. After hearing their door shut I texted Shawn and waited for him out front.

Once he met up with me we went back inside and I shut the front door and locked it. Grabbing Shawn's hand we went up the stairs together and back into my room.

"I'll drive you to work tomorrow and pick you up if you want!" Shawn said to me as we cuddled up under the blankets.

"That sounds great!" Kissing him on the lips I snuggled into him.

Trying not to worry about my new job that I would be heading to in a few hours I closed my eyes and willed myself to sleep.

"I love you Y/N" Shawn whispered to me.


So i'm starting a new job next week my very first job and i'm nervous ahah wish me luck!!!!

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