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Shawn's P.O.V

For the last few hours Y/N had been in bed lying around complaining of stomach pain. I didn't really think much of it until she started running and fever and throwing up. Then I knew I had to take her into the hospital.

"Shawn" she groaned holding her stomach as I picked her up.

"it's okay sweetheart we're going to get everything fixed" I carried her down the stairs.

Setting her down on a chair while I grabbed my keys and a bucket for her I went back to get her. Seeing all the tear streaks down her face I felt so helpless.

The drive to the hospital was longer than I thought it would be and I felt bad but eventually we got there. Setting her in a wheelchair I went to the triage desk to check her in.

"Hi I think my girlfriends appendix is going to burst" I said.

"okay just fill out this form for us and we'll get her back as soon as we can" the nurse smiled.

Grabbing a pen I filled out the sheet for Y/N and handed it back. They took me and Y/N back to the emergency waiting area and then a doctor came to see us.

Checking over Y/N she checked her lower abdomen then sent us upstairs to get her prepped for surgery.

"Shawn i'm scared" she grabbed my hand.

"it's okay, i've been through this, it's going to be okay" giving her hand a little squeeze.

"Hey" Y/N said when I walked into the room.

"Hey how are you feeling baby?" I came and sat next to her bed.

"I'm a little sore but i'm hanging in" she smiled.

"that's good" I kissed her forehead.

"how long till we can leave" she sighed. "i'm done with the hospital"

"probably this afternoon"

"okay, can we get ice cream?"

"yeah sure!" I smiled. "I'll take you for ice cream anywhere you want"

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