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Jimin ran anger pouring out of him as he saw Namjoon sitting with Jungkook. Jimin walked up to Namjoon fists clenched not noticing Jungkook. "I WANT TO FUCKING KNOW WHAT GOES ON IN THAT HEAD OF YOURS" Jimin screamed which took the pair by suprise. Namjoon stood up "why do you care about a freak like him the world would still turn if he killed himself"  Jimin punched Namjoon straight in the jaw and straddled him. Fists hit Namjoons face when Jimin was satisfied he stood up "BECAUSE I FUCKING LOVE HIM" Jungkook's lip quivered and stears sprung he ran away crying.

Jimin saw and ran after him leaving Namjoon on the ground. "Kookie open up" Jimin found Jungkook in the toilet sobbing "stop fucking with my heart" Jimin was furious with the younger. "JUNGKOOK OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR I'M NOT PLAYING WITH YOUR FUCKING HEART". Jungkook's sobs got louder and Jimin was about to walk out but heard the lock being turned "Kookieee" he cooed Jungkook hugged him and cried "am I not good enough" Jimin played with the youngers hair "awh no kookie you're perfect but I just don't love you like a boyfriend i love you as a best friend". Jungkook smiled and looked up "so you don't hate me" Jimin shook his head "no you pabo now come on you look tired".

Jimin picked up Taehyung and Jungkook from the nurses office since Taehyung and Namjoon were both in there because of getting beaten. Taehyung walked in and plopped down on the couch a little to hard and hurt himself. Tears exploded from his eyes Jimin and Jungkook walked in and saw Jimin ran towards Taehyung's side. "Omg Tae baby are you alright" Taehyung sobbed and Jimin pulled him onto his lap "what's wrong baby" Jimin cooed Jungkook just stood there heart broken. Taehyung pointed and whispered "Chim Namjoon kicked me really hard in the side and it hurts. Jimin caressed Taehyungs cheeks and kisses his cheek "Awh Taehyung-ssi you're so strong". Jungkook cleared his throat annoyed at the situation infront of him. Jimin took Taehyung to his room and cuddled him. "Hey Jiminie I'm going to head off okay" Jimin nodded and Jungkook left.

Taehyung was sleep talking more like sleep moaning. "Ah~ah~Jimin ah" Jimin noticed his hand was on his crotch and moved it away. Taehyung whimpered at the loss of Jimin's hand "Jimin~ahh~please" Jimin chuckled and said "maybe next time" and then sleep took over.

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