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Jungkook cried alot that night seeing the person he tried so hard to get has slipped away from him. He sat in his bed  staring at the celling with tears just flowing down you may think it's stupid but Jungkook really loved Jimin. Namjoon on the other hand was getting to know Jin and hang out with him leaving Jungkook alone.

Taehyung smiled alot ever since he was confessed to by Jimin the older had been taking care of him more than his own parents did. Jimin loved Taehyung but hated the fact that Jungkook's heart was breaking because of him. School was normal the pair were acting all cute and everyone around them shipped them together except Jungkook. Jin wanted to become friends with the soon to be couple since he had no friends.

"H-hi I'm J-Jin" Jimin turned and smiled at him "Hello Jin would you like to sit with us". Jin nodded "um Hyung not to be rude" Jimin stands up Jin looks scared. Jimin bows "sorry Jinie hyung" Taehyung wasn't liking the moment that the two shared so he just waved at Jin and continued to eat. The boys more like Jimin and Jin spoke alot while Taehyung kept quiet.

"Taehyung-ssi~" Jimin hugged Taehyung by the neck "Talk to us we missed your voice" Taehyung smiled and tickled Jimin under his chin "Love you Chim" Jimin smiled "Love you too Tae Tae". Jin shipped the two so he didn't mind third wheeling. Jungkook saw the interaction and was in the mood to play around so he grabbed BamBam and looked towards Jimin who gave him no attention.

He whispered to BamBam "please help me make my crush jealous" BamBam laughed "Oooooh kookie has a crush" BamBam said in an accent Jungkook laughed and slapped his arm playfully "Oh BamBam you're so funny" he spoke while looking at Jimin still no acknowledgment from him. Jungkook decided to walk to their table where Jimin was seated " Hi guys this is my boyfriend BamBam" Jimin looked up "Awhhhhh Kookie you got a boyfriend and he is cute too" BamBam blushed "t-thank you" Jimin squeezed BamBam's cheeks "아쉬워요!!!!!" (Ahhh cute). Taehyung stared and tried to stifle a laugh knowing Jungkook's plan.

Taehyung,Jimin,and Jungkook were on the couch playing overwatch Jungkook screaming at Jimin to die and Jimin laughing himself to space. Taehyung was the provider of snacks so he was in the kitchen making some magical platter of splendous treats."Jimin look at me" Jungkook said looking at Jimin who still was wiping tears from the previous events. "Yea whats up Kook" Jungkook bit his lip and mumbled "i'm sorry i have to do to this" all Jimin heard was sorry from the younger.

Jimin was about to ask why he was aplogising when a pair of lips smashed into his. Jungkook was kissing Jimin so Taehyung could see. "Mmmhh~" Jungkook said loudly Jimin still trying to stop him but couldn't. So to make it more beliveable he pulls Jimin on top of him. And continues to kiss him forcefully. Taehyung walks in and sees Jimin on top of Jungkook and both engulfing each other. Taehyung drops the platter causing the others to stop and see what made that noise. Taehyung ran up to his room tears flowing Jungkook just smirked.

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