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Jimin and jungkook were sitting in silence, usually Jungkook would talk or make jokes but he was silent. Jimin was extremely worried for Jungkook and wanted to know if he was doing okay, he looked over and stroked Jungkooks hair "baby are you alright?" Jungkook turned his head around and just nodded.

Jimin knew he wasn't alright so he asked again, "baby you know you can tell me anything" Jungkook just nodded but didn't smile or move. His mind was running wild he couldn't stop wondering if something was wrong with Jungkook or he was hurt. "Jung-", Jungkook rolled his eyes "I'M FINE OKAY" Jimin stared blankly as Jungkook stomped upstairs.

Yes Jimin was annoyed but he didn't want to anger or hurt Jungkook even more. He got up to go see Taehyung, he arrived at his bedroom "Tae Tae, baby are you awake?" . Taehyung opened the door and came out, he was smiling he hugged Jimin and kissed his cheek. Jimin was surprised but loved how cute his baby was acting.

"Baby do you want to eat something while I talk to kookie?", Taehyung nodded "is something wrong?" Jimin just nodded "yeah but he won't tell me". Taehyung nodded and walked down the stairs, he looked back up at Jimin "good luck" Jimin smiled nervously. He walked to Jungkooks room and knocked.

"Kookie baby could I come in", Jimin knew Jungkooks weakness was pet names. "baby boy please open up", he saw the knob turning and the door opened revealing a tired looking Jungkook, Jimin walked towards him and placed his hand on his cheek "baby boy what's wrong?" Jungkooks bottom lip quivered, "baby boy it's okay".

Jimins hands traveled down to Jungkooks waist pulling his closer, he wrapped his arms around Jungkook In attempt to comfort him, he smiled and pet his head. He heard Jungkook shaking and sobs emitting from his mouth "d-daddy", Jimin looked down and realized Jungkook was in little space "yes baby boy what's wrong" Jimin picked Jungkook up like a baby and laid him down on his bed.

"Wanna tell me what happened?" Jimin picked him up and put him on his lap. Jungkook looked up at Jimin big wet eyes looking so adorable, Jimin could only coo. "M-Mummy anniversary today" Jimins eyes opened wide and he realised. He laid Jungkook down and cupped his face "forget about her baby" he kept stroking his face.

Jungkook kept crying,Jimin held his face in one hand and his hand in the other. "Baby I need you to go into big space, big boy kookie needs to speak to jiminie", Jungkook nodded and closed his eyes. Jimin pet his head and hugged him, Jungkook opened his eyes and saw Jimin "h-hyung I'm sorry" Jimin hushed him "baby it's okay to be weak and want someone to cuddle".

Jungkook cried harder holding on to Jimin Like he was going to die. Jimin kissed the crown of his head and then his forehead, eyes, nose, cheeks and then his lips. He kissed him softly allowing Jungkook to relax to feel everything leave him, Jungkook held onto Jimin tightly, Jungkook was crying, crying very hard.

Jimin knew this was serious so he stopped, "baby tell me why you're crying" Jungkook nodded and looked at Jimin nervously. "My mum k-killed herself because of me being a little and today was the date she died" Jimins anger boiled up hearing this again from Jungkook. He kissed his cheek "is that it baby?",Jungkook shook his head "I w-was scared you were going to do the same". Jimin hugged him as soon as he heard that.

"Never baby never you're so perfect that I can't live without you" Jimin could feel his heart breaking hearing Jungkook thought that. "Baby please tell me you didn't always feel like this?" Jungkook didn't respond, "it's okay baby boy I want the truth" Jungkook hesitantly nodded his head. Jimin kissed his head and stroked his back "you've been through at lot baby".

Jungkook lifted his head up and held Jimins hand "c-could i go into l-little space for today?" Jimin smiled and nodded "of course baby anything that makes you feel comfortable", Jimin smiled and picked Jungkook up "you ready to go downstairs baby?". Jungkook nodded "y-yes Daddy" Jimin carried Jungkook downstairs, "jiminie hyung is he okay?" Jimin nodded "he is little space for today".

Taehyung nodded and stroked Jungkooks head lovingly "I hope he gets better he said kissing his cheek. Jimin felt like everything was going okay until he remembered he needed to shop for the engagement.

He looked at Taehyung "baby the engagement is in a week we need to go and shop", Jimin thought Taehyung would freak out, "let's just shop tomorrow kookie isn't feeling the best and he is in little space for today let's just stay home".

Jimin nodded and smiled gratefully at how much closer Taekook got he was happy with his babies.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2019 ⏰

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