51 *the photo was taken by me* (this chapter is for the Jikookers)

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Jimin kept himself locked up in his room for a week, his mind still couldn't fathom why Taehyung wanted to ruin their relationship by kissing his best friend, Jungkook. The younger sat outside of Jimin's bedroom door begging his hyung to come out. Jimin called Jungkook's name  the younger replied with a quiet "yes Jiminie hyung?". Jimin forgot Jungkook had nowhere to sleep and his bed was currently in Jimin's locked room. Jimin mentally faced palmed and got up "Kookie how long have you been out there for?", "a w-week" Jimin's eyes widened "A WEEK?!", "yes hyung". Jimin unlocked his door and pulled Jungkook in, pushing him on his bed and pinning his wrists above his head and looking him straight in the eye "why didn't you knock or just walk in?". Jungkook blushed and turned his head the other way "i didn't want to annoy you more than i already have".

Jimin stared at him in disbelief "so you waited outside for a week and also while you were sick and probably needed someone to give you warmth?" Jungkook just nodded and his blush turned into a scarlet red. Jimin put his nose on the tip of Jungkook's, "bub I don't want you to fall even more sick than you were before". Now Jungkook started to cry Jimin got up panicked and cupped his face "Kookie what's wrong, why are you crying?" Jungkook sniffed and wiped his tears "I don't want to fall any deeper knowing I'm going to be hurt". Jimins face fell "Jungkook I would never hurt you, Taehyung won't come back I know it".

It broke Jimin's heart to admit it but he knew it was true, Taehyung had nowhere to go so he sat on a bench near a restaurant. He saw a familiar figure walk by and it was his father, jumping out of his seat and running to him with a massive smile on his face. "dad, how are you?" Taehyung's dad smiled "I've quit drinking and I have found a job". Taehyung's smile grew wider "that's great dad i'm so happy for you" "Than- wait where is Jimin" Taehyung bit his lip . "um, he kicked me out because I kissed his best friend" Taehyung's dad grew angry "HE. DIVORCED. YOU. AFTER. TAKING. YOUR. VIRGINITY. AND. PROPOSING. JUST. BECAUSE. OF. A. PECK," 

Taehyung's dad turned around and started running in the direction of Jimin's house, the younger running after him begging him to stop. Once they reached Jimin's house his dad broke the door down and went upstairs. Jungkook and Jimin were asleep cuddling, his dad broke both of Jimin's doors and went inside. Taehyung followed, his heart breaking slowly 'dad, let's just go he has moved on" Taehyung said voice quivering. His dad shook his head he grabbed the blanket and threw it off them. 

he then grabbed Jimin and threw him to the ground. Taehyung screamed "DAD NO, STOP IT" Jimin got up and looked at Taehyung's dad, eyes  drowning in anger.  "WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU IN MY HOUSE"  Jungkook got up and ran to Jimin "hyungie what's happening" Jungkook started to cough. Jimin went from furious to worried he turned around and looked at Jungkook "Kookie please go inside the living room and even if you hear things breaking don't come up". Jungkook's eyes filled with tears as Jimin kissed his forehead and then his lips. 

Jimin looked at Taehyung who had tears running down his face. "HOW COULD YOU JIMIN, HOW COULD YOU MOVE ON SO QUICKLY", Jimin's heart broke "T-" he felt a fist hit his cheek and he flew back into the mirror making it shatter and shards go into his back. Tears pricked Jimin's eyes as blood ran down his spine, Taehyung pushed his father away and went to Jimin. Jungkook was crying in the living room hearing the mirror break. Taehyung's dad came downstairs and saw Jungkook "so you're the slut that Jimin chose over my son" he said as he extracted his belt. As Jimin opened his eyes he heard Taehyung's dad talking to Jungkook. He harshly shoved Taehyung away and ran downstairs. Just as he was about to whip Jungkook he covered him with his body still bleeding. 

Jungkook cried as Jimin got whipped, the shards of glass sinking deeper into his back making Jimin hiss in pain. Taehyung came and tried to pull his dad off of Jimin while crying and screaming "DAD, STOP PLEASE I BEG YOU".  His father turned to Taehyung and his face softened seeing his only son crying, adjusting his belt back into place Jungkook still crying and Jimin still covering him. "Hyungie you can get up now" Jungkook said as his lip quivered and tears streamed out. He grabbed his face, hands shaking and kissed his lips Taehyung's fist clenched and he cried harder. Jimin opened his eyes and looked up at Jungkook "hi my beautiful Kookie are you okay?" Jungkook nodded till cupping his face while sniffing. 

Jimin kissed him and slowly got up, Taehyung's dad had already left it was just Taehyung now. "get out" Taehyung just ran to Jimin and hugged him even if Jimin was struggling, he stopped struggling after he felt his shirt getting wet, Taehyung was crying. "i'm so sorry baby" Jimin looked down at him and kissed his head Taehyung looked up at Jimin, eyes red and lip quivering. Jimin felt horrible he led him to his couch. both of the boys he loved were drenched in tears. Jimin took of his top and Jungkook stood up and held Jimin's hand "bub what's wrong"  Jungkook's bottom lip quivered "l-let me h-help" he said hiccuping. He looked at his beautiful baby with a red nose, glassy eyes, tear stained cheeks, and his slightly shaking body. 

Jimin nodded and sat down Jungkook pliers and continued to take the shards out of his back. Jimin was facing Taehyung, Taehyung was crying in his knees. Jimin reached out and pulled Taehyung onto his lap. Jungkook pouted at the sight, Jimin caressed his cheek and kissed his head. Taehyung looked up and tears streamed down his face "Jimin, I'm so sorry I hate myself I'm so sorry" Jimin chuckled slightly and made him straddle his lap and he kissed all over his face. he hissed in pain as Jungkook applied alcohol on his open wounds. Jimin looked at both of them and bit his lip

"I don't know who to choose because I love you both the same"

it was happening again.......

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